5000 of X-Metaverse StarSkeleton Blind Boxes to be launch on Binance NFT Marketplace

SLt0Ot0ZPu3VY EyT2zxUS3Q9s5GTIZG81XFSX2RqTLz1WvPwdasSfTOV5uKIfIyLEHj0qF BiSnMzn5OoSioP cs7SfEjnlRjtHNIq7Vt vZ leZ4gw5ngURTLt0J9ihTSEoep

It is reported that StarSkeleton Blind Boxes for X-Metaverse will be available on BinanceNFT Marketplace on March 24, 2022 at 11:00AM (UTC). It is the last round of blind box sales before the official launch of the X-Metaverse.

5000 of X-Metaverse StarSkeleton Blind Boxes to be launched on Binance NFT Marketplace. Each player can purchase 20 StarSkeleton boxes maximum, and each blind box is priced at 30 BUSD. User can also take part in the first in first service activity, the activity URL as followings:


Activity A

March 24, 2022 11:00AM (UTC)—-March 24, 2022 11:00 PM (UTC) Drops 1 mystery blind box for the first 50 users who successfully purchased the mystery blind box.

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Activity B

March 24, 2022 11:00AM (UTC)—-March 24, 2022 11:00 PM (UTC) Randomly drops on the collectors who possess 20 mystery blind boxes. Limited to the 50 winners picked randomly. When there are less than 50 users with 20 mystery boxes, any user will be randomly selected.

X-Metaverse says we have created a unique revenue policy to make your NFTs work. By staking the pilot you own, you can earn X-metaverse platform DAO tokens (XMETA). Each Pilot NFT has an initial hash count that can be used to advance in rank by consuming other Pilot NFTs. The total arithmetic power is calculated by adding up the arithmetic power of all NFTs. The number of XMETA tokens mined depends on the weighted average of your total hash count across the platform.

We also learned that Kane Lao, CEO of X-Metaverse mentioned in an AMA on March 17: As an expert in the gaming and blockchain gaming industry, the X-Metaverse team understands the needs of game developers and even more so the needs of users. X-Metaverse allows users to directly enjoy the main theme, with strategic gameplay that enhances interest and experience while “play to earn”. We also work with users to create a metaverse Web 3.0 game format. We will continue to introduce a new gameplay mode, Battleship Racing, at the end of the V2 beta.  

For more details, please visit the X-Metaverse blog post.

What is X-Metaverse?

X-Metaverse is a Play-to-Earn GameFi 3D game built on BSC. All of the game’s content and characters are based on blockchain tokens and NFTs. The most exciting thing is that you can interact with other players through actions such as conquest, exploration, competition, mining, production, breeding, and combat. The game community lets the users participate and enjoy.

Where can I find the X-Metaverse

Website: https://www.x-metaverse.org/ 

Discord: http://discord.gg/x-metaverse 

Medium: https://medium.com/@X-Metaverse 

Twitter: https://twitter.com/XMetaverse_ 

Telegram: https://t.me/XMetaverse_official 

Telegram Channel: https://t.me/XMetaverse_Channel 


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