Prediction: Cash will Outperform Stocks, Cryptocurrency, Property in 2022

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Prediction: A survey has revealed that 22% of Hong Kong adults think cash will be the best-performing investment in 2022.

This makes cash the top pick ahead of stocks, cryptocurrency, and property. These sentiments are according to’s Retail Investor Sentiment Report.

Finder polled 1,005 Hong Kongese adults and 39,573 people globally. The results reveal that Hong Kongese are most likely to back cash. But the percentage who think it will be the best investment, is actually below the global average of 24%. 

The next most popular pick is the share market. 21% of Hong Kong adults say shares and ETFs will be the top performer this year. This is followed by crypto (15%), NFTs (14%)  property (14%), bonds and commodities (7% each).

NFTs aren’t the top pick for Hong Kongese. But they are the most likely to back NFTs out of the 26 countries surveyed. Globally, just 5.9% of people think NFTs will be the top investment for 202. This, dwarves in comparison to Hong Kong’s 14%.

At theh start of this year, Hong Kong billboards were blaring out NFT collections, flooding Asia’s financial hub. This may have something to do with the more positive sentiment towards NFTs as investments.

Prediction not surprising

Kylie Purcell, Finder’s investment editor, said it’s not surprising to see Hong Kongers think cash and shares will perform best this year. This is as the economic climate remains uncertain.

“There’s a lot of uncertainty in the market at the moment and each investment comes with its own set of risks and potential rewards. Cash is seen as a safe investment, but people need to consider the inflation-adjusted return. $100 dollars today may only be worth $80 down the track so consumers should be thinking about how they can inflation-proof their portfolios but maintain liquidity should they need the cash.

“On the other hand, with the Fed expected to raise the interest rate, some analysts think Hong Kong could follow suit as they have done in the past. When interest rates go up, it’s typically good news for cash savers and bad news for other investments like stocks. It’s always a good idea for retail investors to have a diversified portfolio and avoid putting all their eggs in one basket.”

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Nicole Buckler has been working as an editor and journalist for over 25 years, writing from Sydney, Melbourne, Taipei, London, and Dublin. She now writes from the crazy-amazing Gold Coast in Australia. Nicole first bought Bitcoin in 2013 not really understanding what she was doing. She is an accidental HoDLer.

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