Meta Legends Prepares For A Huge Show-Down As NFTs and Metaverse Gaming Continues To Gain Traction

photo 2021 11 23 22 04 00

As blockchain gaming and metaverse continue to gain huge acceptance from the global community, Meta Legends is the latest blockchain project to take a deep dive into the blockchain gaming space as the project looks to revolutionize the gaming industry with its unique industry-grade technology.

Before blockchain came into the global gaming scene, games have traditionally been built on centralized systems. As the adage goes, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. Everything functions the same here: all assets, history, data, and game currency are always kept under central control. As a result, the developers maintain complete control of the gaming property rights.

Game developers are now leveraging blockchain to totally revamp the gaming industry. End-users may own, purchase, sell, construct, share, and even auction their digital assets with the rest of the world, but game developers have no authority or influence over those digital assets, thanks to non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and the notion of decentralized finance (DeFi).

Meta Legends is creating a cutting-edge entertainment hub that will be based on solid product fundamentals. First, the project is developing an innovative application called Meta-Connect, its use case will be focused on connecting the gaming community into a single ecosystem. Participants will be able to locate each other on the map, store their NFTs & get an estimation of the value of their digital collectibles.

Secondly, Meta Legends will be developing an ecosystem Metaverse, uniquely called Meta-Life. Gamers and participants within the Metaverse will be able to stack cryptos, own property, digital collectibles, as well as explore the Meta Legends Universe.

Meta Legends Is Launching In The Wake Of An Explosive Blockchain Gaming Adoption

This year, Metaverse has seen mind-blowing adoption with large players from both small and large players. Several important factors have been the major commercial drivers in the adoption of the metaverse, which include the increased Covid-19 cases, the increasing interest in mixed reality (MR), growing demand for online education, growing interest in virtual entertainment that mimics real life, etc.

By 2027, the metaverse market is predicted to have grown to USD 596.47 billion from USD 44.69 billion in 2020. The metaverse market is predicted to grow at a 44.8 percent compound annual growth rate (CAGR) between 2021 and 2027.

As the metaverse becomes a household name, Meta Legends has assembled a professional and experienced team to lead the future of gaming and virtual reality. Commenting on what they have been building so far, the team noted that:

“We will be leveraging photorealistic rendering, dynamic physics and effects, lifelike animation, and built-in tools for advanced character rigging animation and performance capture streaming to build our Meta Legends Metaverse. This will result in believable human and animal characters, massive scale reactive environments, and film quality levels of VFX. We will also be including real-time landscape and terrain tools, sky cloud and environment lighting, real-time ray tracing, and rasterization, in building the Metaverse world”

Meta Legends will be minting a collection of 12345 legends, all of which will be sorted by rarity and created using hundreds of unique elements. These Legends will be issued on the Ethereum blockchain as ERC-721 tokens and hosted on an interplanetary file system (IPFS).

The NFT gaming platform will benefit players in a great way, first, they will be able to engage in various FPS games, competitions and tournaments, space races, Easter eggs as well as events like concerts, festivals, etc. Gamers will be able to earn revenue by interacting with the metaverse as Meta Legends integrates Play2Earn technology on its platforms.

More fascinating is the fact that players will be able to rent lands to players to farm resources, rent vehicles, and weapons to players, rent and resell houses to players or investors, and also be able to get engaged in Yield Guild Gaming with unique characters.

As Meta Legends speeds up its platform development, they are also looking to kick off its token sales which will be starting on November 24, 6 pm EST. This is an important event in the history of Meta Legends as they allow the general public to buy into their vision of an all-encompassing Metaverse.

Final Thoughts

P2E games built on blockchain technology will unarguably be leading the future of gaming, as these games leave more control within the players, allowing them to take control of in-game items. Blockchain gaming is also an avenue to make money through earning cryptocurrencies and NFTs. Meta Legend is focused on building a sustainable entertainment hub that not only entertains players but also rewards them for every effort spent.