Viraverse AMA Recap

cropped Favicon CD 01 01 32x32 1 hosts an AMA with Viraverse. #Viraverse #Solana #SolanaDaily  #AMA

Cryptodaily Admin: Hello everyone 👋👋Welcome back to another AMA with SolanaDaily 🔥 I’m your host Daley and today, I’m joined by CryptoB from Viraverse!! Welcome back CryptoB! How have you been?

CryptoB: Hey glad to be back! I’m doing well. How are you?

Cryptodaily Admin: You can’t be more happy when btc hits 45k haha. Man, I appreciate you CryptoB! You keep coming back and updating us about your progress. Just that alone shows how dedicated you guys are with Viraverse and Viral Inu!

CryptoB: Always, we’re always working to give you guys the best!

Cryptodaily Admin: No doubt! And I can’t wait to see what you guys have been up to this time! So let’s get to it shall we?

CryptoB: Let’s get to it!

Cryptodaily Admin: Awesome!

Q1: What is the Viraverse all about ?

CryptoB: The Viraverse is a platform that lets users earn rewards for completing community building actions . Users can earn for raising awareness about a project, referring new holders, and performing other actions that benefit the project community.

Q2: Why was the Viraverse made & what makes it different from other projects?

CryptoB: Well, we realized how big of a role the community plays in the success of a project.  But, it can be extremely difficult to build a strong user/ community base, this is where the Viraverse comes into place. Through the Viraverse, we introduce the idea of crowd-marketing where members can team up together to market & bring awareness to the project. In return, users are rewarded for their community building efforts.  With this platform we hope to help other projects in Solana grow a quality community/user base and eventually move on to other blockchains.  With the Viraverse we also give users a chance to earn more crypto without the high risk of trading.

Q3: What is the Beta-net and what does it look like?

CryptoB: Yes, the beta-net! While we continue to develop the main-net for the Viraverse, we’re going to be releasing the beta-net in order for us to get the chance to see how users react to the platform and to also give you guys an idea of what to expect for the main net 🙂

Q4: What are your core products and how do they work?

CryptoB: We have different resources that make up the Viraverse platform as a whole


 ⁃ Track all of your Viraverse stats such as your actions and rewards

Content hub

 ⁃ Here you can upload gifs, memes, and help videos that can be beneficial for others in the project community

Social Hub

 ⁃ Here you can upload to social media for a chance to earn

  Quick earn

 ⁃ Here you can complete easy task to earn crypto

Q5: Where do rewards come from?

CryptoB: Rewards come from “ Viral Pools” and these pools are filled with rewards ranging from Solana NFTs, USDC, and other SPL tokens. These rewards are governed by a smart contract which distributes to the user once they complete a valid action.We’ve reserved 10% of our supply towards our own Viral pool.

Cryptodaily Admin: So you will not only get 1 but potentially a variety of rewards including solana NFTs too!

CryptoB: Yes we want to include different Solana prizes for the community to earn from

Q6: What do we need to do in order to access the beta net?

CryptoB: Well the beta-net will be out next and will be open for everyone to use. All you have to do is pass through our simple verification system and you’ll be able to earn on the Viraverse platform. We have tutorials set in place to ensure verification is smooth

Cryptodaily Admin: Do you have it with you?

CryptoB: Yes we have YouTube tutorial here

Q7: Let’s dive into your tokens. Can you share with us your Tokenomics? And what are some of those tokens’ use cases?

CryptoB: We’ve had our Tokenomics finalized by seasoned advisors in the Crypto market and here’s what we came up with. The Viraverse will be using $VIRAL to align incentives in its ecosystem. Here are some features that will be included with the $VIRAL token.

Holders of $VIRAL tokens will be able to stake them to receive an additional return from trading fees. $VIRAL tokens also provide the right to propose and votes on changes to the platform  For Tokenomics we’ve reserved (13%) to ecosystem growth, (2%) to airdrops and (15%) towards marketing and operations Team & seed tokens are locked for 1 year and released linearly for 18 months afterwards.

Q8: Where can we find more information on the Viraverse?

CryptoB: You can find our information here:

 Twitter –

 Discord –

 Medium –

 Website –

 Whitepaper –

Q9: Where will the Viraverse be 3 months from now?

CryptoB: Well, we hope to continue to build the Viraverse up, build up our community and start to roll out with the different features that Viraverse has to offer!

Cryptodaily Admin: With this we are now at the end of our AMA session with Viraverse🔥🔥🔥

Time for wrapping up, any last words you would like to say to our community?

CryptoB: Thank you guys for having me! I would just like to say stay tuned for when the beta net drops in our discord 👀

Cryptodaily Admin: Thank you CryptoB for being here with Solanadaily once again and talking about Viraverse! Looking forward to the beta-net and eventually the main-net!! Take care man 👋

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