How DelNorte Terravision Safeguards Buyers, Sellers, and Real Estate Owners

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Thanks to unique government contracts, anyone from the poorest farmer to a wealthy landlord can complete a real estate sale with a single NFT. As very little technical skill is required.

DelNorte Terravision (DTV) was founded in August 2019 by Anton Gloster, Yuriy Chudinov, and Jose Zelaya to solve a significant yet overlooked global problem. People in developing countries have assets in the form of land and real estate, but proving this ownership is very difficult. DTV is out to change that.

Title insurance does not exist in most countries, making it nearly impossible to convey 100% ownership of property. When purchasing real estate in Africa, Asia, or Latin America, one should be prepared for at least a 25% chance of problems as corruption and fraud are rampant in the industry. Here’s where DTV comes into the picture, as it is the world’s only blockchain company with a fintech-based property ownership management transaction endorsement protocol.

This technology works by linking government-verified proof of ownership with private commerce. This protects buyers, sellers, and real estate owners by offering a secure way to invest, manage resources, and take legal possession of assets. In addition to being a hazard management system, DTV has created a geocentric messaging system for public and private parties.

This is accomplished with the use of NFTs. Real estate assets, resources, and even energy are transferred to tradeable NFTs with stated values. These tokens are a new method of adding information to the blockchain while offering security, speed, and a decentralized solution for buyers, sellers, and current owners.

The technology is especially significant to those who need it the most. The majority of the world’s poor cannot participate in the global banking system; DTV was established to change this. Thanks to these NFTs, financial inclusion is no longer a dream but a reality. An added benefit is transparency in business as fintech operates on the principle of digital democracy.

Thanks to unique government contracts, anyone from the poorest farmer to a wealthy landlord can complete a real estate sale with a single NFT. As very little technical skill is required, even those with the most limited resources now have a viable option for a better life.


Andy Watson

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