Air Europa to Launch 1st Airline NFTickets With Algorand and TravelX

the worlds first NFT flight ticket

NFT News

    • Air Europa, TravelX, and Algorand launched the world’s first NFT flight ticket series.
    • The first NFTicket series auction helped TravelX raise 1 million USDC.
    • Ticket holders will fly Air Europa on November 29 and get special access to Miami Art Week events.

Air Europa airlines and TravelX exchange have teamed up with decentralized blockchain network Algorand to launch the world’s first NFT flight ticket series.

The first-ever NFTicket was designed by prominent Miami-based artist Carlos Betancourt and curated by Ximena Caminos. This ticket will grant its holder a special Air Europa flight to Miami on November 29, 2022.

The first NFTicket was made available via a live auction on April 11 and ended on April 13. The auction raised over one million USDC. TravelX will issue the ten new NFTickets series designed by popular artists after every two weeks,

Ticket holders will be allowed to board Air Europa airline to Miami. They will have a chance to attend the Miami Art Week and get access to events leading up to the Art Basel in Miami this December.

TravelX co-founder Facundo Diaz was excited to share how this collaboration gave birth to a new kind of NFT, which is based on Algorands carbon-negative blockchain.

During the live auction event at Paris Blockchain Week, Bernardo Botella, the worldwide sales director at Air Europa shared:

“Innovation is in our DNA, we have been pioneers in deploying new technologies within our sector, and it cannot be different with NFTs, which might be the next step in the travel industry,”