Alchemy Acquires Education Startup ChainShot to Train Developers

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While ChainShot has been on a roll lately, its acquirer Alchemy has also been gradually rising its developer resources.

Blockchain developer backend firm Alchemy has bought ChainShot, an education startup to strengthen its future by calling in and training Web3 builders.

According to the company’s blog post, a major hindrance to an entry into the web3 world originates from the lack of effective education. The world of web3 glides at an altogether different speed, and the curriculum in itself is extremely volatile and ever-evolving. Keeping this in mind, the company has announced its first acquisition towards free access to premium quality web3 education through ChainShot.

ChainShot assists developers to join web3 and study in live lectures with an Ethereum developer as the instructor. The courses begin with the basics of blockchain like understanding solidity, cryptographic hashes, and virtual signatures.

The startup Chainshot initially started as a hackathon assignment in ETH Denver in 2018, and ever since, has exhibited an exquisite ascent by creating a faithful customer base that persistently makes news in the web3 environment. The company has seen a meteoric rise in the last four years, while the metamorphosis has revved up in the past year. In the last six months, the number of registrations has tripled and almost eighty-six percent of the registrations graduate successfully. The numbers do not stop here! Around half of the people who graduate find jobs in not more than six months.

While in the blog post, Alchemy refrained from divulging the precise price of the acquisition, Elan Halpern who is a product manager at Alchemy said that the company believes in boosting the fluidity of blockchain expertise through this project.

While ChainShot has been on a roll lately, its acquirer Alchemy has also been gradually rising its developer resources. After finishing a $200 Mn Series C funding round in February this year, it has also been able to bag a $25 Million grants fund for nascent-stage crypto undertakings.

According to Halpern, ChainShot was the most wholesome medium for an aspiring developer to actually rise to the occasion and acquire some effective skills to guarantee a job in the Web3 world.

In the blog post published by Alchemy on August 25th, the immediate goal of the company is to now help in the facile amalgamation of ChainShot’s programs and make it as easy for students as possible.

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Sanaa Sharma

Sanaa is a chemistry major and a Blockchain enthusiast. As a science student, her research skills enable her to understand the intricacies of Financial Markets. She believes that Blockchain technology has the potential to revolutionize every industry in the world.