An NFT art series dedicated to American Heroes

NFT art

A 62 piece NFT collection “American Heroes” is now available to buyers on the OpenSea Marketplace. The series challenges modern-day pop culture and its adoration of fictional superhero characters. Each NFT is a 3D character model that depicts a momentous individual who fought for human rights and equality. The price per singular NFT is  20ETH.

“American Heroes” includes such notable heroes as Dr. Martin Luther King, Eleanor Roosevelt, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Tonsler, Ralph Bunche, Helen Keller, Ruby Bridges, Rosa Parks, Nikola Tesla, Abraham Lincoln, and many others.

The digital collection aims to praise and honor those who risked their lives and freedom to create a society that respects human life no matter the differences. “These people have fought on the side of good long before the emergence of fictional superheroes,” say the authors of the NFT series. ”Films about superheroes are a success at the box office and they attract millions of people around the world whilst historical icons are scarcely acknowledged.”

“American Heroes” is conceived by the creative team of the world’s first entertainment and educational YouTube show about cryptocurrencies “Gagarin Show”. The channel aims to familiarize the general public with blockchain technology and the realm of cryptocurrencies. The show has garnered more than 12 million views and released 68 episodes in a little over a year.

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