Anniversary Blockchain & Bitcoin Conference Moscow on Crypto Market Trends and Industry Regulation: Results and Details

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Place/Date: Moscow – November 23rd, 2021 at 8:20 pm UTC · 5 min read
Contact: Blockchain & Bitcoin Conference,
Source: Blockchain & Bitcoin Conference Moscow

The tenth Blockchain & Bitcoin Conference Moscow took place on September 29. Traditionally, the event united top representatives of the crypto market to discuss the most relevant industry trends.

The guests of the anniversary event attended the presentations Russian and foreign experts, a demo zone with solutions from the best companies in the industry, and all the conditions for productive networking among the leaders of the crypto community.

The conference was moderated by Pavel Salas, Vice President for Business Development at Anderson Bern Investment Management.

What was Discussed at the Conference?

The event started with a speech by CEO at, Ambassador at Bitcoin Association Alexandr Shulgin. He raised the topic of the uniqueness of blockchain technology and the possibilities of useful mining, which can be applied in many areas, especially where there is a huge amount of data.

Venera Shaidullina, a member of the Expert Council on Digital Economy and Blockchain Technologies at the State Duma of the Russian Federation explained the position taken by the Bank of Russia regarding the regulation of digital financial assets and clarified what it leads to. The speaker noted that as of the summer of 2021, there was not a single registered platform for the issuance of virtual currency in the country. At the same time, she predicted that in the future a law could be adopted that would regulate this procedure. Additionally, Venera considered four possible models of the digital ruble and noted that it could be launched before 2030.

Andrey Varnavskiy, Head of the Center for Breakthrough Technologies at the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, spoke about the introduction of central bank digital currencies (CBDC) and their prospects. He shared the experience of Sweden, China, France and other countries in launching their own CBDCs, elaborated on the characteristics of the digital ruble and described how financial transactions can be implemented using it.

The topic “Blockchain and cryptocurrency vs. the state. Who will win, Whale or Elephant?” was addressed by Dmitriy Potapenko, Managing Partner at Management Development Group Inc. He also raised questions of using private money and the architecture of the future.

Igor Matyukhin, member of the Presidium of the Council for Digital Economy and Innovative Technologies at the Eurasian Economic Cooperation Organization, spoke about what approaches to crypto trading work in 2021. He identified working and non-working strategies. The expert explained what are the features of portfolio management in the crypto industry, targeted and neutral market strategies. Separately, he listed additional features that increase profits when choosing a working approach to cryptocurrency trading.

The founder and CEO at Ivan Tikhonov voiced recommendations on how to counter fraud when exchanging cryptocurrencies. The speaker clarified what is the most important in making financial transactions, including the exchange rate, operations of the exchanger and reviews.

The topic of using blockchain in the national system of remote electronic voting was revealed by the Product Director at Waves Enterprise Artem Kalikhov. He explained how this process works, listed who can use the technology, such as self-regulatory organizations, boards of directors, industry unions and sports associations. At the end of his speech, he examined the cases of blockchain implementation in the voting system.

Co-founder and CEO at Credentia Konstantin Salnikov spoke about the wide capabilities of the Self-Sovereign Identity technology, the areas of its implementation and the specifics of its use. According to the speaker, SSI’s goal is to create universal, portable, lifelong digital identities and credentials.

Kirill Gotovtsev, Marketing Director at Emertech spoke about the use of blockchain technology for engineering solutions, the role of NFT in maintaining data security, the advantages and disadvantages of smart contracts.

Analyst and experienced trader Tone Vays presented his report online. He gave an expert opinion on the benefits of cryptodecentralization and explained whether it is worth investing in bitcoin in the modern realities of the crypto market.

Panel Discussion: Topic and Participants

Event featured a discussion where experienced specialists talked about the peculiarities of regulating digital assets, considered the tax aspects of the turnover of virtual currencies and raised other important topics that relate to the upcoming financial revolution.

Its participants included recognized experts from government departments and specialized companies;

  • Mike Tretyak – Partner, Head of IP/IT Practice and International Clients Department at Digital Rights Center.
  • Alexey Mikheev – Executive Secretary at the Expert Council on Knowledge Economy Management at the Committee on Education and Science under the State Duma of the Russian Federation.
  • Dmitry Marinichev – Presidential Commissioner for Entrepreneurs’ Rights in the Internet (Internet Ombudsman).
  • Dmitry Machikhin – founder and CEO of Bitnalog.
  • Mikhail Uspensky – member of the International Tax Association.
  • Ruslan Yusufov – CEO and Managing Partner at MINDSMITH.

Event Sponsors

Anniversary Blockchain & Bitcoin Conference Moscow was held with the support of sponsors:

  • General Sponsor – PolyPlay blockchain platform, which was created for esports tournaments, where both experienced players and beginners can participate. The brand has its own PLAY token and NFT cards.
  • Metaversal Sponsor – Alien Worlds social NFT metaverse where tokens are used as game elements. This is a game with a gameplay built on three blockchains, and the in-game currency is also a cryptocurrency named Trillium.
  • Platinum Sponsor – the ecosystem of global projects Relictum. It includes blockchain with free transactions, startup accelerator, NFT marketplace, decentralized storage, private chat, etc.
  • Lanyards Sponsor – international cryptocurrency exchange Bybit, recognized as one of the best trading platforms. Its users have access to derivatives, spot, cloud, DeFi and dual mining.

Demo Zone Exhibitors

The demo zone was attended by leading companies that supply cutting-edge solutions for the cryptocurrency industry and provide premium services for market participants:

  • Whale Partners is a closed investment community and a fund for cryptocurrencies and the stock market, which manages assets worth of $7 million.
  • Listing.Help is the largest agency for listing projects on crypto-exchanges. Offers zero commission accounts, free project promotion and other bonuses. More than 700 clients have already used the company’s services.