Any Civilization – A Unique Game That Allows Players To Create Tokens

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Have you ever heard of a game where players can join hands with the developer to build the world in the game? If not, then today I will introduce to you the brand new NFT game: Any Civilization

Any Civilization is a comprehensive Play2Earn strategy game where every Citizen in it can build the world together. Because it is built on blockchain, the game will also have a mechanism to help you collect NFTs and tokens, thereby earning profits.
The game will be launched on February 22nd, 2022

I. Gameplay

1. Plot.

According to Any Civilization’s website, this is the plot of the game:

“Not a long time ago in a planet not far far away… On this very planet, there was a life outside of these clusters. Astonishingly beautiful nature and above us only sky! Until the great disaster…

In consequence of excessive global warming, all the glaciers suddenly melted. And a huge flood disaster occurred in all coastal cities such as New York, Shanghai, London and Istanbul. Then, the earth was no longer a living place. There wasn’t ANY hope for anyone. Until…

Fortunately, scientists have discovered liveable caves underneath Mount AVA, and named it CLUSTER. These are almost perfect for us to live inside, to develop A New Civilization. Yet surviving is not easy at all”

2. The stages of the game.

Phase I: Buried Alive!

After the discovery of habitable caves, scientists of these caves did not have enough resources for life. To improve it, they have to combine them together

Thanks to Professor El33th4xor, who lives atop Mount Ava, and his colleagues, they have found a way to transport resources between these caves quickly, with low cost and with environmentally friendly fuels. . Through this groundbreaking innovation, caves can be interconnected and co-built.

Now, we must work together to create the resources that will help us survive until we return to the face of the earth.

Phase II: Return of the Humanum

When the Earth can live again. Any Citizen can return to the surface and establish their new Civilization with the resources they produce inside a Cluster.

In short, this is an Interactive IGO event.

How to join interactive IGO?

– The first thing is that you have to free one of any Citizen. Next, if you want to keep your Citizen alive, you have to buy a Cluster or join one of them. Last and most importantly, make sure that every Citizen in the Cluster contributes to resource production.

How to maximize profits?

– Any Civilization is a very unique game with an economy built into the game. At first, all Citizens had the same skills. Any Citizen can enhance his or her skills by working at Resource Manufacturing Plants or doing R&D.

– To maximize profits, the average score of each Citizens skill must be equal.

3. Citizens in the game

This is the main unit of the game, also the NFTs created on the ERC721 platform. However, unlike other NFTs, every Citizen starts out with the same skill level.

Any Citizen has these 3 skills:
➵ Sustainability Skill
➵ Management Skills
➵ Curiosity Skill

Points Per Day Water Purification Facility Farming Facility Solar Power Facility Mining Facility R&D Facility
R&D Facility 5 5 6 4 8
Management Skill 0 7 6 7 8
Curiosity Skill 0 6 5 7 10

These skills can be improved by contributing to resource production or performing R&D.

Citizens can MINT and BURN 4 different ERC20 tokens of the game: Water, Food, Electricity, and Ore. Every Citizen needs these resources to meet their needs.

And this is the most attractive point of Any Civilization: Citizens can discover and generate new ERC1155 tokens for in-game resources by crafting them in certain proportions.

•  Water: 3 liters per person per day
•  Food: 2584 kcal per person per day
•  Electricity: 144 kWh per person per day

Citizen should buy or join a Cluster to get ANY Token reward!

Citizens’ ANY Token Allowance

Any Civilization

4. Clusters

Clusters are liveable caves located underneath of Mount Ava that keep Any Citizens alive till the back to the ground, which created with ERC721 NFT Standard. Clusters’ main attribute is their population size.

Cluster owners have special privileges, during Phase I and Phase II.

First of all, 298,000 ANY will be allocated to the Cluster per Any Citizen. Half of the reward will be given to the Cluster owner, and the other half will be distributed to Any Citizens of the Cluster based on the reward calculation method.

Second, Each Cluster owners will be airdropped precious production site, which size is determined by Cluster’s population, at the beginning of Phase II: Return of Genus Humanum! in order to develop their DAO on it.

Clusters’ ANY Token Allowance

Any Civilization

5. Resources

When the Earth become liveable again. Any Citizens can return back to the ground and setup their new Civilization with the resources they produce inside of a Cluster.

Resource Facilities
Water Purification Facility: Water (12 litres ERC20 Token per Any Citizen per day.)
Farming Facility: Food (10336 kcal ERC20 Token per Any Citizen per day.)
Solar Power Facility: Electricity (576 kWh ERC20 Token per Any Citizen per day.)
Mining Facility: Ore (Precious metals and minerals randomly minted ERC20 Token per Any Citizen per day.)
R&D Facility: Where Citizens discover and create new ERC1155 tokens as in-game resources by crafting these resources in different proportions, which will be used to develop civilization.


II. Roadmap

⧫ February – 2022
Launch of Any Civilization game – Phase I: Buried Alive! An Interactive IGO

⧫ March – 2022
Built-in Marketplace
Launch of In-Game DEX – Where Citizens can buy & sell items
Phase I: Buried Alive!

⧫ April – 2022
IGO & DEX Listing of Any Game Token – A native token of Any Game Project

⧫ June – 2022
CEX listing of Any Game Token

⧫ August – 2022
Any Game Project – A new project launch of Any Token Game

⧫ December – 2022
Launch of Any Civilization Game – Phase 2: Return of Genus Humanum

III. Tokenomics

Any Game Token ($ANY) is a native token of Any Game Project, that will be used ANY other Any Game Projects starting from Any Civilization Game!

Any Civilization

Any Game Projects is aiming to position $ANY token as a community owned token. Therefore, there will be neither VCs nor team allocation of token.

Initial Supply: 62.831.852 $ANY

The Proportion of initial supply Will Be Used For:
– Private Sale: 20%
– DEX Liquidity: 30%
– Public Sale (IGO): 50%

Total Supply:
There is no predetermined minimum or maximum supply for ANY Token. It is completely up to Any Citizens. Maximum of 298.000 $ANY allocated per Citizen.

Any Civilization

• Days of Citizen = Maximum of 298 days.
• Cluster’s Multiplier = If Citizens’ 3 aggregated skills are equal within Cluster, Multiplier will be 10. Else If 2 aggregated skills are equal, 9. Else 8.
• Citizen’s Multiplier = If Citizen’s all 3 skills are equal, Multiplier will be 10. Else If 2 skills are equal, 9. Else 8.

Mint $ANY

Citizen owners and Cluster owners can mint their allowances any time during the Phase I.
Be aware of the MULTIPLIERS! 

Burn $ANY

During the Phase II of Any Civilization Game, Any Citizens claim their Territory, where they build their houses, farms, or production facilities by burning $ANY Token.

Any Civilization

With the above information, we hope you are well equipped to become an elite citizen of Any Civilization on February 22, 2022.

