Anyone Lucky Enough To Mint A Picassol NFT Will Be Living A Different Life.

Picassol NFT

Recently, an NFT project called Picassol started to get some unwanted attention. Technically, Picassol only needs enough minters for 4,077 NFTs, but since even 1 NFT could make anyone into a multi-millionaire (if they are part of the luckiest 5%), more NFT minters are gathering.

We had an exclusive interview with the founders of Picassol. We researched ourselves as carefully as possible to confirm and verify which article has the most accurate facts out of hundreds of top news websites worldwide.

A ‘Picassol’ Solana NFT project is the biggest scale project with over six-thousand VIP buyers waiting to purchase an ‘already minted NFTs for possibly’ even up to 8 digits in US dollars for those who are the ‘luckiest’.

After an interview with the Picassol founders and carrying out extensive research, it has been confirmed that over six-thousand VIP buyers were mostly the wealthiest individuals, including many billionaires and famous, rich people. “It took almost a year to prepare our private auction,” Picassol CEO commented.

The identities of all our VIP buyers are supposed to remain strictly confidential for the private auction to work correctly for them.

Unfortunately, due to a tweet “Who else is waiting? PicasSOL Auction” posted by one of the most famous VIP buyers, more VIP buyers were also exposed because of the attention it brought, pulling out all the incidents for their past eight months.

We have reviewed most of the top news websites such as newsbreak, bitcoinist, pinterest, newsbtc, btcmanager, and countless more regarding the Twitter incident. These celebrities are already listed on countless top news websites all over the internet. We have also confirmed that the tweet was made sometime in September. The most accurate information regarding the Twitter incident and Picassol can be found in the news article by Dailyscanner.

If anyone wants to learn how each ‘minted NFT’ is worth 4 to 8 digits during their private auction, click the link to Dailyscanner, where the journalist only wrote the accurate facts that we also verified and confirmed.

Anyone can also visit their website, Twitter, and especially Discord to learn the private auction details.

Their mint date is sometime in December 2021, and anyone lucky enough to successfully mint one will be earning the absolute minimum of $9,000 in US dollars. However, the most fortunate 5% of the 4,077 minted NFTs will get sold to VIP buyers for 7-8 digits in US dollars. It seems that about 200 NFTs will be creating many multi-millionaires.

It is also possible to mint more than 2 NFTs, which means that some minters might become as wealthy as one of the VIP buyers. All the readers can quickly learn about verified information from the news article that we vouch for. We posted the link in this article so that anyone can visit and learn all the verified facts. After reading Dailyscanner, everyone will have a better understanding of what Picassol NFT is.

We were only able to get an exclusive interview with all their founders with a condition to keep their privacy. All we can reveal is that this project is nothing like any other NFT project. Their founders are highly creditable individuals with many offices filled with hundreds of professionals.

They wish not to get too much attention for the obvious reasons that anyone can find out once they read the article and visit their Discord’s private auction channel.

Yes, it really can change one’s life.

Everyone will have a chance to mint an NFT successfully. If they don’t win from the lottery, they will get a full refund for all their tickets.

Get updated with their announcements from their website, Twitter, and especially on Discord. They have many events on Discord where you could win a free NFT. One of the events is for just being online. At any random time of any lucky day, they give out some free NFTs to online people. Anyone could wake up with a free NFT with about a 95% chance of selling for 4-6 digits and a 5% chance of 7-8 digits in US dollars. Many Wall Street investors are starting to follow Twitter. It is expected that many people will be living a different life after the mint date of Picassol.