Apex partners with Telos EVM

Apex partners

Apex, a Nodes-as-a-Service (NaaS) provider, launched full blockchain nodes for Telos Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), a scalable software solution for Solidity based applications. By operating full blockchain nodes, Apex provides increased blockchain strength. With this integration which is now LIVE and running,RPC endpoint access to the Telos network will further decentralize their network of nodes.

Apex increases the security of the Telos network by expanding the number of nodes running copies of the blockchain; the more independent nodes running copies, the more secure the network becomes.

“As an ownerless, user-governed blockchain, we are always looking for ways to build on our already decentralized Block Producer ecosystem” said Justin Giudici, CEO of Telos Foundation. “By implementing Apex nodes, we believe this helps bolster our long-term vision of building a decentralized platform for the next generation of Web3 users.” 

The partnership between Apex and Telos is the start of a long term relationship. Over the coming months and years Apex plans to deploy an increasing number of nodes across their decentralized node infrastructure that will help secure the Telos Network.

“We are proud to partner with Telos EVM” said Tom Barr, CEO of Apex. “We believe this partnership will create compelling and sustainable value for Telos EVM’s powerful and scalable infrastructure and offer Apex node holders the opportunity to earn long term passive income.”

On Launch Apex Node Holders will be able to select their Node to be linked to either the Avalanche or Telos Network and have their own RPC Endpoint.

What is Telos EVM?

Telos EVM is an extremely powerful and scalable Smart Contract platform. It works like a large decentralized computer to complete all types of tasks on the blockchain. Telos created an entirely new EVM redesigned from the ground up, which offers capacity, speed and almost zero fees. More impressively, it’s able to solve front-running issues, as Telos EVM functions on a first-come, first-serve basis, making it impossible to skip the line.

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What is Apex?

Apex is a true Node as a Service (NaaS) protocol built on the Avalanche blockchain and offers developer tools and infrastructure to set up and manage the nodes connected to the network.

Apex is dedicated to empowering Web 3.0 infrastructure through nodes operating across a variety of blockchain. Apex deploys nodes for a wide range of blockchains and empowers these networks by increasing the decentralization and security of these blockchains including Arweave, Avalanche, Ethereum, and the Bitcoin Lightning Network.

Apex Nodes Official Launch Date is the 29th April 2022.

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