Applications Now Open for RetroPGF Round 3

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Introduction to RetroPGF Round 3

Earlier this year, the Optimism Collective announced the third round of Retroactive Public Goods Funding (RetroPGF). Applications for RetroPGF Round 3 are now open!

Round 3 aims to allocate 30 million OP to builders, artists, creators, and educators who have made significant contributions to the Optimism Collective.

How to Apply

You can apply for RetroPGF Round 3 here through October 23rd.

For any questions, reach out in the #retropgf-discussion channel on the Optimism Discord.

About the Optimism Collective

The Optimism Collective is committed to fostering a self-sustaining ecosystem in crypto. By rewarding past contributions through Retroactive Public Goods Funding, they aim to support the growth and scalability of decentralized technologies.

As part of the application process, applicants will create an Optimist Profile, reflecting their ongoing contributions to the Collective.

Eligibility and Categories

RetroPGF is open to all types of contributors to the Optimism ecosystem, including builders, creators, writers, educators, and more.

  • Developers working on Ethereum execution clients
  • Educators creating Optimism-inspired educational content

Check out past recipients of RetroPGF 2 to understand the types of projects that have been rewarded.

Impact and Testimonials

RetroPGF has already had a profound impact on the ecosystem, transforming the way public goods are viewed and supported.

“With RetroPGF we now know our work is important and has an impact.” – Nico Producto

“The impact of this RetroPGF round in Cryptoversidad was immense… We were able to keep building.” – Diego Mares, Cryptoversidad

“RetroPGF provides the missing piece of open source software… retroactive funding builds confidence and staves burnout.” – Davis Shaver

Application Tips

To strengthen your RetroPGF 3 application:

  • Clearly articulate your contributions
  • Specify the impact of your work with qualitative and quantitative metrics
  • Follow instructions carefully for filling out your application

Apply now for RetroPGF 3 and be considered for a share of the 30M OP allocated for this round!

Visit the #retropgf-discussion channel on Optimism Discord for questions and subscribe to the RetroPGF newsletter for updates.

To celebrate the opening of RetroPGF 3 applications, enjoy a commemorative NFT available for minting to subscribers of the Optimism Mirror newsletter.