ArtMeta Will Allow Artists and Galleries to Display Their Artworks in a Completely New Way

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Over the past few months, 2021 became a year of not one, not two, but three different major trends in the cryptocurrency industry. The first one, of course, is the DeFi sector that is still going strong after originally blowing up in 2020. The second one is the NFT sector, which emerged earlier this year, and over these 12 months, it became a massive industry within the crypto space.

Finally, the third and final one is the metaverse, which is only starting to grow, and will be the dominant trend of 2022, and probably beyond. However, these trends are switching quickly, and with metaverse being the hottest new game in town, there are already numerous projects that are trying to tackle it.

ArtMeta is among them, but unlike most others, ArtMeta decided to add the other trends into the mix, and create the ultimate platform dedicated to art, artists, and art galleries.

What is ArtMeta?

ArtMeta is a high-quality, premium metaverse project with a focus on artwork and artists, connecting art galleries to their customers. It is an emerging project, but also one that has the potential to change the way the art industry works.

The project allows artists, as well as art galleries, to rent virtual land and spaces. In doing so, they can publish their artwork and put it on display, making it easy for potential customers to see it and purchase it if they decide to do so.

Of course, since all art pieces are presented in their digital form, that means that all physical art pieces will be tokenized, and presented in the galleries in the form of NFTs. That way, millions of people from all corners of the world will be able to see the artwork and purchase it if they like it enough. 

It offers a visionary, beautifully rendered digital world that creates a whole new paradigm for art sales. Its world is based on an imaginary city created by painter Jonathan Delachaux and writer Jacques Houssay. This mystic city is created on an island, and it is filled with museums, art galleries, conference rooms, and concerts, where everything is 100% digital, but also photo-realistic.

How does it work?

As mentioned, the project allows art galleries to purchase digital plots of land or space, with the assumption that this will be something that galleries from all over the world would be interested in doing. This would not differ too much from the art galleries buying or renting buildings that they then use for displaying individual artists’ artworks, where art collectors can come, admire the displays, and purchase the ones they find the most intriguing.

Of course, since these will be digital galleries, the artwork that would be displayed within would be digital or tokenized versions of real-world art pieces, offered to the buyers in the form of non-fungible tokens, or NFTs.

NFTs are the biggest trend of 2021, which have attracted everyone, from regular people to artists, game developers, major companies, and even traditional goods marketplaces, such as eBay. The NFTs are blockchain-based tokens that come with a number of benefits. For example, anything of value can be turned into an NFT, and every purchase is forever recorded on the blockchain. As such, it is easier than ever to prove who the real owner of any digital or physical collectible may be at any given time.

By buying or selling the NFT, the collector is receiving or giving away ownership of the collectible that the NFT represents. It is all transparent, immutable, fast, cheap, and very simple.

Solving the problems of the art industry

Apart from making the purchase and sale of artwork simpler, faster, and cheaper, the use of metaverse also brings other benefits. For example, it allows galleries to enter the ever-growing digital art industry, rather than losing their purpose in the world of art. With things switching to the digital world, physical galleries may not be necessary for long, since it will all be done through digital marketplaces and NFT trade. So, by purchasing digital plots of land or space, galleries get to prolong their existence.

Meanwhile, artists — who typically do not have the technical background necessary for creating and managing NFTs — now have an easy way to do so and tokenize their art and offer it to collectors. As for the collectors themselves, the greatest benefit for them is that they can now find all the artwork that they ever wanted to see, all neatly placed in easily-accessible galleries. More than that, they can now see the art of creators from all over the world, rather than just the local ones, which increases their options and allows them to find art that suits their taste and interests the best.