Base Beat: Newsletter #2

Base Beat Newsletter 2

Base Beat Debut Edition

The Latest News from Base

  • Base Regolith Hardfork Completed Successfully: The Regolith upgrade was completed with the support of node providers Blockdaemon, Quicknode, Infura, and the community. This upgrade enhances the network’s security and reliability. Interested in running a Base node? Check out their guide.
  • Global Builder Meetups: Inspired by builders in APAC, Base has more meetups planned globally. Stay updated on their Twitter or Discord for announcements on upcoming events.
  • Goldsky’s Dataset Supports Base Testnet: Goldsky’s, a public, decoded dataset of blockchain activity, now supports the Base testnet. Developers can analyze token transactions, NFT collections, and event logs on their local machines.

Curious Corner: Discord Q&A Gems

Here’s a recap of the hottest topics from the Base Discord community. Join their weekly Friday Q&As in the #base-stage channel for more insights.

  • Upcoming Features: Base is focused on ensuring developers have the tools they need for mainnet, with more roadmap details coming soon.
  • Rewards for Early Supporters: There are no tokens or airdrops, and the NFTs are purely commemorative.
  • What Sets Base Apart: Base aims to be low-cost, user-friendly, and developer-centric, leveraging Coinbase’s security and ecosystem.
  • Testnet Progress: With the Regolith Hardfork completed, Base is moving smoothly towards mainnet.
  • Funding Opportunities: Developers building on Base can submit their projects to the Base Ecosystem Fund. The Request for Builders offers inspiration for potential projects.
  • Reducing Fees: Base is working on EIP-4844 (proto-danksharding) to lower fees on Ethereum and Base.
  • Analytics Solutions: Flipside and Artemis analytics are available on the Base testnet, with more solutions expected on mainnet.
  • Community Feedback: Base values input from the community to improve their platform.
  • Gaming and NFT Potential: Base is looking to become a user-friendly platform for NFT creators and game developers.

Base All-Stars: Spotlighting Projects & Builders

Every week, talented builders developing on Base join the Base Discord for live interactions. Here are some recent highlights:

  • Blockdaemon: Provides API endpoints for accessing Base testnet. Their advice for developers: Be curious, network, and keep building.
  • Infura: Offers a private beta waitlist for accessing Base. They recommend checking out the developer guide to the web3 stack.
  • Quicknode: Offers resources for Base developers.
  • wagmi: A collection of React Hooks for working with Ethereum. Their advice for builders: Focus on the fundamentals and invest in solutions that simplify development.

What’s Next?

  • Stay Updated: Follow Base on Twitter and join their Discord for the latest announcements.
  • Upcoming Meetups: Base has more meetups planned around the world. Stay tuned for details.