Benjamin Guez Speaks on ARIANE CAPITAL, a Crypto Wealth Management Platform

  • ARIANE CAPITAL is one of the first organized and regulated arbitrage funds in the market with the ARBA FUND arbitrage fund.
  • Its clients’ growing demand and network have led them to create ARBA SPIN.
  • In 2020, the performance of ARBA FUND was +41.75%.

Benjamin Guez, co-founder of ARIANE CAPITAL, a multi-family company that is one of the few in the European financial industry with experience in cryptocurrencies dating back to 2014 reveals how the company started and its journey so far.

He disclosed how fortunate he and his co-founders were to believe in crypto from the beginning. He says they had a native crypto potential in 2014 that rattled their traditional finance views.

According to Guez, it took a few years for them to open a bank account and create liquidity for their clients, but it also allowed them to stay ahead of the curve and in sync with the entire crypto community. As a result, ARIANE CAPITAL is known for its cryptocurrency expertise, which is supplemented by its regular multi-family office activities.

Over time, they have been joined by a team of professionals, and now have the internal capability to assess, structure, invest in, and promote the crypto universe’s development including everything from legal structuring to depositories.

Today, ARIANE CAPITAL is one of the first organized and regulated arbitrage funds on the market with the ARBA FUND arbitrage fund. Its team consists of financial market specialists and seasoned fund managers that specialize in risk management.

Due to demand has changed, and its clients now want long-term directional exposure as well as the ability to spot future champions, ARIANE CAPITAL chose to offer ARBA SPIN, a new generation of certificates actively managed by its management team with a long-term directed objective that combines a fundamental understanding of the crypto universe with the capacity to capitalize on opportunities spotted therein.

They use current market tools like options and futures to implement a risk management strategy. Despite the fact that the arbitrage fund’s goal was to be decorrelated from the market (in May 2021, ARBA FUND reported a monthly performance of +0.12 percent in a market that lost more than 50%), ARBA SPIN’s goal is absolute performance.

Furthermore, the first month after its launch, the ARBA SPIN certificate (CH1100420475) yielded +12.5% in a bear market. This performance is linked to the alpha generator qualities of the management team, who were able to identify several significant opportunities.

In addition, ARBA FUND (KYG2578H1039 / CSFCMHF KY) (Bloomberg) had a +41.75 percent return in 2020. In 2021, they anticipate a year-end growth rate of around 15%. This is mostly due to the narrowing of arbitrage opportunities and gaps.