Bexplus Exchange Offers 100% Deposit Bonus For ADA, DOGE, BTC, ETH, USDT, XRP

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To help traders earn more cryptocurrency, leading crypto derivatives exchange Bexplus has launched a 100% deposit bonus promotion to all traders. If you deposit 1 BTC, 2 BTC will be credited to your account. Every user can get up to 10 BTC for each deposit.

Traders now can deposit BTC, USDT, ETH, XRP, ADA, and DOGE and enjoy trading with 100x leverage. (Bexplus also cooperates with third-party purchasing cryptocurrency platforms, so if you don’t have cryptocurrency, it doesn’t matter, bexplus will guide you to quickly buy the cryptocurrency you need.)

BTC Wallet: up to 21% annualized interest without any risks

If you want to take a short break from trading, the Bexplus BTC wallet can help you generate juicy profit without taking any risks. With up to 21% annualized interests, it is no doubt one of the most profitable rates in the industry.

Why Choose Bexplus?

Bexplus is a leading crypto derivatives trading platform offering 100x leverage futures trading on a variety of trading pairs – BTC, ETH, ADA, DOGE, XRP, etc. Demo account, 100% bonus, copy trading and mobile apps are available on Bexplus. Bexplus doesn’t require KYC and is trusted by over one million traders from over 200 countries/regions. Bexplus is accredited by U.S. FinCEN MSB (Money Services Business).

100X Leverage & How Does 100X Leveraged Trading Work?

Assume we use 1 BTC to open a long contract when Bitcoin is trading at $40,000. Please note that with 100x leverage, 1 BTC can open a contract worth 100 BTC.

One day later, the price of Bitcoin increased to $42,000. The profit will be ($42,000 – $40,000) * 100 BTC/$42,000 *100% = 4.76 BTC, making the ROI 476%.

Now, with Bexplus’ 100% bonus, our initial investment would be 2 BTC, and our realized profit made with these 2 BTC will be 9.52 BTC, and the ROI will also be doubled to 952%.

With leverage, it’s important to be vigilant, as returns can be outstanding, but liquidations are easier if the price moves down.


No KYC protocol is strictly carried out throughout every process. Registration only requires email confirmation and only takes a minute.

Demo Account with 10 BTC

To help traders better familiarize themselves with leveraged trading, Bexplus has launched a trading simulator. There are 10 replenishable BTC in the demo account for traders to practice as much as they like, without taking any risks. You can also learn to analyze the market and use the tool-kit with the demo account.

Copy Trading

With copy trading provided by Bexplus, you can automatically copy other excellent traders’ trading. It can be a really valuable portfolio for those who are just starting out in trading, or those who don’t want to dedicate a huge amount of time to managing their trades.

What Can I Do with the Bonus?

The bonus is not withdrawable, but traders can use it as margin to open bigger positionsand take more profit. Profit made with the bonus is withdrawable. Besides, with a bigger margin, traders’ positions are less likely to get liquidated when there are huge price swings.

You might miss the opportunity to buy cheap Bitcoin, but you can still make handsome profits with the revival of Bitcoin. If you are prepared to accumulate more BTC.

Click here to join Bexplus and claim your bonus now!

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