Blockamedia Launches 20 Million $ACI Early Sale on Cardano


Blockamedia, a blockchain-based document verification solution, has begun its second early sale on Cardano, which will run until November 28th, after the first early sale and second private sales were both sold out.

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Blockademia is a revolutionary Proof-of-Concept® document verification system based on the Cardano blockchain. Publishers can utilize the Blockademia system to issue papers like diplomas, certificates, and attestations in an authentic, quick, and easy manner, and end-users can verify them using the Blockademia web or mobile application.

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The primary goal of the Blockademia system is to verify the validity of papers produced by educational institutions, city, regional, and state governments, insurance firms, pharmaceutical businesses, and any other document issuers who need to avoid forgery.

Blockademia aims to address this by allowing certificate-issuing organizations or enterprises to do so on the Cardano network. It is impossible to change or delete a certificate once it has been published on the blockchain. It is kept there indefinitely. Issuers will be able to issue certificates via the web or mobile interface, and other users will be able to check the certificate’s authenticity using the same interface.

To prevent tampering with granted certificates, Blockademia will use the decentralized nature of blockchain technology. Thousands of blockchain nodes preserve a copy of the entire ledger of issued transactions, making blockchain transactions immutable. Any bad actor attempting to tamper with the ledger will be promptly removed from the network due to cryptographic encryption.

Blockademia dApp

Early bird offers on the Blockademia smartphone app are currently available:

  • Deposit ACI token: Deposit your ACI tokens earned through referrals or the community sale.
  • Use ACI: Start using your ACI for publishing or checking documents
  • Get referral rewards: For every new user you bring to Blockademia, you’ll get a reward.
  • Earn Yield: During the token locking period, you can earn up to 10% per year.
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Project Tokenomics

Tokenomics Detail

The Blockademia system is powered by ACI, a native utility coin on the Cardano blockchain. ACI will be necessary for document publishing, document verification in the workplace, incentives, rewards, and payments. The total supply of ACI tokens is limited to 250,000,000 ACI.

Initial token distribution follows these rules to ensure fair initial distribution and optimal initial decentralization:

  • As many Blockademia users as possible will receive ACI tokens.
  • To prevent market manipulation, no single ACI token owner will receive a significant portion of the entire supply of ACI tokens.
  • Within the initial offering, there will be no substantial changes in token price.
  • Future system users, early adopters, and investors will be among the participants in the initial distribution.

Owners of ACI tokens will be able to lock their tokens and earn an additional 10% per year in ACI tokens after the functionality of the Blockademia platform is ready for public use and the initial token distribution is completed.

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Token distribution:

  • Project: 49%
  • Treasury: 2%
  • Private sale: 6%
  • Early sale T1: 4%
  • Early sale T2: 8%
  • Community sale: 16%
  • Team and Advisors: 15%

Token Sale

With 27,5 million ACI, Blockamedia has already begun its private and first early sale. The current 2nd early sale will go till November 28th. The community sale will take place from November 29th until December 5th.

Early sale T2:

  • ACI price: 0,25 EUR
  • Min. Investment: 5.000,00 EUR
  • Max. Investment: 100.000,00 EUR
  • Total: 20.000.000,00 ACI
  • Start date: 22nd Nov, 08:00 CET
  • End date: 28th Nov, 23:59 CET

Community Sale:

  • ACI price: 0,3 EUR
  • Min. Investment: 100 EUR
  • Max. Investment: 5.000,00 EUR
  • Total: 37.500.000,00 ACI
  • Start date: 29th Nov, 08:00 CET
  • End date: 5th Dec, 23:59 CET
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Project Roadmap

Q3 2021

  • Front end web development
  • Team creation and formation
  • Cardano Project Catalyst
  • Fund 6 participation
  • Preparation of ACI token sale

Q4 2021

  • Back end web development
  • Market research and marketing
  • ACI token initial offering

Q1 – Q2 2022

  • Development of Blockademia application for issuers
  • Development of Blockademia application for verifiers
  • Application integration with Cardano blockchain
  • Early users testnet

Q3 2022

  • iOS and Android mobile applications development for verifiers
  • Application testing

Q4 2022

  • Mainnet release

Long term goals

  • Growing in the international market through representative program
  • Full decentralization and DAO creation

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