Meta Legends Brings the Metaverse to Blockchain Games

Most gamers, historically, have been familiar with the idea of a metaverse. A metaverse is a virtual universe that we can engage in the same way that we do in the real world. Whether it is collecting virtual money in a videogame or creating a whole life in Sims games, metaverses, in some way, have always been a part of gaming.

What has not always been a part of gaming, however, is blockchain. This is because blockchain is a newer technology and only took off in the last decade with the rise of cryptocurrencies and NFTs, with the latter taking center stage, particularly in the last year.

NFTs in Gaming

NFTs are digital representations of assets on blockchains and can be sued for the transfer of the ownership of the asset. Digital assets, naturally, have always been a part of gaming and as such, NFTs have found their way into this space, with a slew of blockchain-based games now incorporating NFTs into their setup.

One of these is Meta Legends, a blockchain-based game that recently announced an NFT sale launching on November 24, 2021. The NFTs are called legends, differ based on rarity and are generated with hundreds of elements. During the sale, a total of 12345 of the ERC-20 legends will be sold.

The goal of this sale is to not only raise funds for the expansion of the ecosystem but also for the NFTs to act as in-game characters that the players can make use of. The game is play-to-earn, which means that players can earn rewards for completing tasks and challenges and thus, earn an income. Some of these tasks include stacking cryptocurrencies, collecting in-game assets like land and property, and interacting with other players as the legends themselves. During the game, players will be able to participate in FSP games and competitions with other players, as well as attend festivals and so on.

After the NFT sale is concluded, Meta Legends intends to expand its universe in several ways. First, there is the Meta Connect application through which users will be able to connect to one another, which is a major function of gaming in itself. They will also be able to locate each other on maps and store their NFTs.

Then there will be the creation of the metaverse itself, in which users can stack cryptocurrencies, own virtual property, and interact with others. All this will be made possible by Unreal5, a game engine on which metaverses can be built. As Maxime Hacquard explains, Unreal5, offers, “Photorealistic rendering, dynamic physics, effects and lifelike animation.”

The Implications of NFTs in Gaming

The infusion of NFTs into the gaming sector will have a massive impact, especially over the next few years. First, it will help to secure the authenticity of in-game characters and assets. In the case of Meta Legends, players can be sure that any assets they buy or trade in-game are authentic and not dupes.

NFTs will also help to ensure that players can earn more rewards for their efforts. Whether it is through play-to-earn games like Meta Legends or by re-selling their NFTs as they grow in value, the ability of players to profit from their games will grow immensely. Overall, NFTs in gaming only serve to benefit the players and the wider community.