Binance Welcomes Circle’s Native USD Coin on the Polygon Network

Binance Welcomes Circle’s Native USD Coin on the Polygon Network

Binance Welcomes Native USD Coin (USDC) on Polygon Network

Binance, one of the leading cryptocurrency exchanges, has exciting news for its users. They have announced their support for the native USD Coin (USDC) on the Polygon network, which is issued by Circle. This development is set to bring greater convenience and accessibility to traders and enthusiasts in the cryptocurrency space.

Key Changes and Important Dates

Here are the key changes and dates to keep in mind:

  • Deposits and withdrawals for the native USDC on the Polygon network will be open soon.
  • The bridged version of USD Coin (PoS) (USDC.e) will use MATICUSDCE as the ticker symbol.
  • Deposits and withdrawals for the current USDC on the Polygon network will be temporarily suspended starting at 06:00 UTC on October 25, 2023.

It’s important to note that these changes will not impact the following services on Binance:

  • USDC spot trading
  • Margin trading
  • Futures trading
  • Binance Earn
  • Binance Pay

Why This Matters

This move by Binance to support the native USD Coin (USDC) on the Polygon network is significant for several reasons:

  • Convenience: Traders will have more options for managing their USDC holdings, including quick and cost-effective transactions on the Polygon network.
  • Enhanced Liquidity: The support for USDC on Polygon can boost liquidity and trading opportunities on the Binance platform.
  • Growing Ecosystem: It reflects the growing integration of cryptocurrency networks, providing users with access to a wider range of assets and opportunities.

This development further cements Binance’s commitment to offering innovative solutions and expanding its offerings to cater to the evolving needs of the cryptocurrency community.


Binance’s support for the native USD Coin (USDC) on the Polygon network is a significant step toward a more inclusive and user-friendly cryptocurrency ecosystem. Users can look forward to a seamless experience for their USDC transactions, while enjoying the same great services that Binance offers across its platform.