BNBDigger — A Staking Wallet Offering High ROI for BNB Holders

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  • New staking service platform BNBDigger launches.
  • It allows users to stake their native Binance tokens for high returns.
  • BNBDigger embarks on a contest to reward 20 randomly selected investors.

Binance Smart Chain ecosystem is a popular choice for most inventors looking for a smart contract that has a low transaction fee, high security, and multiple uses cases tied to it.  At the heart of its ecosystem is the Binance Coin (BNB) which primarily runs the entire system.

Empowering blockchain entrepreneurs, projects, and communities, BNB has facilitated many successful ventures that aided and expanded the global cryptocurrency economy. Not to mention, accelerating the earning potential of individual investors with platforms such as BNBDigger, a smart DeFi investment platform where users can stake and earn exponentially.

BNBDigger operates on the Binance Smart Chain network as a Smart DeFi ROI investment platform with fixed return rates from 5.5% to 12%. The BNBDigger smart contract offers the opportunity to invest any amount in BNB in the contract. In return, users can get 120% to 220% on the investment between 10 to 40 days.

If you want a high Annual Percentage Return (APR) BNB staking, then BNBDigger is the best bet for you. The contract pays a 9% referral commission over three levels with a minimum deposit of 0.02BNB. The first level is the 5% ROI, the second level is 3% and finally, the third level is a guaranteed 1% ROI. 

The referral should be an active user and this means that the referral address should have at least one deposit. The referrer is specified once at the time of the first deposit and is allotted to the user without the possibility of changing. From each succeeding deposit, the referrer will get its percent. Most interestingly, there are no maximum deposits, which means users can make unlimited deposits. Similarly, you can withdraw your dividends whenever you deem fit. A total referral commission will be sent to the owner if a user has not had a valid upline.

To note, all dividends are calculated at the moment of request and available for withdrawal anytime. Besides, each subsequent deposit is held separately in the contract to maintain the payment amount for each deposit. To interact with the contract users need to use Metamask or Trustwallet to get some BNB BEP-20. Its Smart contract is safe and fully verified by the HazeCrypto team.

In addition, the platform announced on its official Twitter page that it is holding a BNBDigger contest. Following the statement on the page, it stated that once BNBdigger reaches 100BNB total invested, 0.25BNB will be sent to 20 investors randomly. BNBDigger operates on the Binance Smart Chain and to interact with the contract you need to use Metamask or Trustwallet and get some BNB BEP-20.

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