Messaging platform Telegram on Friday said the development of the marketplace for offering unique names is now completed and the domain name auctions would launch soon. Telegram is collaborating with the TON blockchain to offer usernames.
Telegram Collaborates With TON Blockchain for Offering Unique Usernames
In a tweet on October 21, TON blockchain announced the collaboration with messaging platform Telegram on a marketplace to auction unique usernames.
“The official Telegram Usernames channel announced that the marketplace’s development had been completed and that domain name auctions would launch shortly.”
Pavel Durov, founder and CEO of Telegram, announced the idea to offer unique and recognizable Telegram usernames a few weeks ago. It will allow users to buy and sell unique usernames on the TON blockchain-based marketplace.
According to Telegram Usernames, the development phase is already completed and the auction platform will be live soon. It recommends users to acquire the most valuable usernames and secure ownership of them in the TON blockchain’s immutable ledger.
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As a result of the announcement, Toncoin (TON) price jumps over 12% in the last 24 hours. The 24-hour low and high are $1.24 and $1.40, respectively. At the time of writing, the TON price is trading at $1.37.