Cardano founder gives explanation behind delays of the Vasil Hardfork

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  • Cardano founder Charles Hoskinson said that bug fixes take time and involves testing the entire pipeline.
  • He added that these small fixes are quite addressable and that he doesn’t expect any further delay, but there’s no specific date given for the Vasil hardfork launch.

Last week, the news came out that the much-awaited Vasil hardfork for the Cardano blockchain network has been delayed. On Monday, August 1, Cardano founder Charles Hoskinson did a live stream issuing clarification over the delay.

Hoskinson noted that every time a problem arises, one needs to fix it. Further, they also need to test the fix which could eventually take up more time. He added:

So you get to a situation where you feature complete. But then you have to test, and when you test, you may discover something, and then you have to repair that, and then you have to go back through the entire testing pipeline. So this is what causes release delays.

As per the previous schedule, Cardano was to release the Vasil hardfork by the end of July. But speaking at the Cardano360 event last week, IOG technical manager Kevin Hammond said that there could be a few more weeks of delay without mentioning any specific timeline. Hammond said that decision to delay comes in order to ensure a smooth transition.

No further delays in Vasil Hardfork

However, in early July, the IOG developers successfully completed the hardfork of the Cardano testnet. After releasing the initial node v.1.35.0, the development of the testnet continued. But as new bugs appeared, the Cardano team moved to work on nodes v.1.35.1 and v.1.35.2.

Charles Hoskinson said that v.1.35.3 will be the likely candidate for the hard fork. During his live stream, Hoskinson said:

The good news is that the set of things that could go wrong have gotten so small, and now we’re kind of in the final stages of testing in that respect. So unless anything new is discovered, I don’t anticipate that we’ll have any further delays.

Last week, Cardano technical manager Kevin Hammond spoke about the delay. He added:

We’ll be communicating very closely with the stake pool operators and other users. If you’re in that group, pay attention to those announcements. I will give you strong advice and guidance for the upgrade path, both for the testnet and the mainnet.

To bring the Vasil hardfork, Cardano developers are engaging with several exchanges and DApp (decentralized application) partners. They are also working in coordination with other developer partners while communicating with the Cardano Foundation.

Cardano native crypto ADA is currently trading just under 50 cents and continues to occupy its position as the eighth-largest cryptocurrency by market cap.