Cardano: Huge appetite from institutional investors and hundreds of projects to come into the ADA ecosystem

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  • According to IOHK co-founder, Cardano is set to roll out many crypto projects for mass adoption. 
  • The Cardano blockchain is employing an academic and scientific approach to its blockchain development.

The CEO and co-founder of Input Output Global Inc., Charles Hoskinson, insists its well-built Cardano ecosystem will accommodate extensive adoption from projects. In September, he noted in a tweet that hundreds of projects are ready to explore its newly implemented capabilities. His announcement was a few days after Cardano completed its Vasil hard fork upgrade. In his tweet, he quoted the tweet of NEWM, a decentralized music streaming platform. The startup is currently developing a platform that will allow artists to upload music to earn NFT royalties. IOHK previously stated:

We built Cardano to be the financial operating system of the world. We built it to bank the unbanked. We built it as a community to give economic identity to those who don’t have it so we can have one global fair marketplace.

Cardano unveils upcoming projects following the Vasil hardfork

In an interview, the American entrepreneur emphasized the importance of applying an academic and scientific approach to the development of the Cardano ecosystem. Speaking to Messari founder Ryan Selkis, he mentioned the method seems slow and steady, yet the Cardano community wants it. Many projects seek to hold refuge in Cardano during crypto winter. 

The blockchain project will begin its approach from a real point. Cardano will write several educational papers, and the academic community will approve them. Currently, many top professors have written over 150 papers for the project. Cardano has established its lab at Carnegie Mellon University and boasts of “people” at the University of Edinburgh and Tokyo Institute of Technology. Also, the community acknowledges that Cardano is quite far from its peak but will find its foot soon. It can gain a global presence afterward.   

In a statement by the CEO, he revealed that the Cardano ecosystem is the leading resort for many developing projects:

…And there’s a humongous appetite in our industry for that, especially during bear markets. You don’t capture anything during the bull market, but during the bear market, everybody’s collapsing. All the bridges are getting hacked. All these DeFi (decentralized finance) Ponzi schemes fall apart that we keep saying are problems. So that’s the community we built and the ecosystem we built. Now we are enjoying the dividends of that approach.

Hoskinson is assured that Cardano’s approach to the blockchain’s development will ease the entry of billions of users to the crypto industry. According to him, Fortune 500 companies, the government, and real actors manage a million to a billion people. They are concerned with standards, safety, reliability, consistency, interoperability, and good governance. Partnering with any of them will bring in up to 3 billion people. Most people in the world only speculate about cryptocurrency.