Category Archives: Base News

How Base is Revolutionizing Smart Wallets

Building a Global Onchain Economy Earlier this year, we shared our 2024 roadmap with the...

A Beginner’s Guide to Farcaster Frames on Base

Bring Base Apps into Onchain Social with Farcaster Frames Base believes in a future internet...

Experience Onchain with Base at ETHDenver

Fun and Connections at Home Base Home Base is your hub for creativity, culture, and...

From Goerli to Sepolia: Embracing the Goerli Sunset

Base Testnet Transition: Goerli to Sepolia In October, Base announced a significant move concerning our...

Base Meetups Embrace Open Source Initiatives

The Path to Decentralization The path to decentralization for Base isn’t confined to technical aspects....

Goerli to Sepolia: Key Dates and Essential Information

Migration from Goerli to Sepolia: Important Dates and Information In October, Base announced the transition...

Unveiling Op-Viem and Op-Wagmi: Embracing Open Source

Open Sourcing Op-Viem and Op-Wagmi Today, we’re open sourcing op-viem and op-wagmi, extensions to the...

Embracing Art Week: Exploring the Onchain Revolution

Base at Art Basel Miami Beach: Embracing Onchain Art Base is excited to bring the...

Discover Onchain Development with Base Bootcamp: Start Building Today

The Foundation for Building Onchain At Base, our vision is to onboard the next million...

Unveiling Base’s Contract and Frontend Open Source Initiative

Why We’re Building in the Open One of Base’s core values is building in the...