CloudSigma, a pure-cloud infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) and platform-as-a-service (PaaS) provider, and Super Protocol have partnered up to bring the confidential cloud to Web3 users.
As per the announcement, this partnership will allow the Super Protocol team to take the next step toward creating a marketplace where users can work with solution providers such as CloudSigma.
CloudSigma brings to the table, thirteen years as a reputable and easy to user provider. CloudSigma is capable of supporting Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) technology and has expertise and infrastructure distributed between fifteen locations.
Super Protocol has built a massive ecosystem of interoperability solutions and services which include computation resources, web services, databases, ready-to-use applications, confidential data sources, and more.
Super Protocol seeks to bring confidential cloud computing to Web3 users by providing them with end-to-end data protection. This protection is provided across three states including data at rest (in storage), data in transit (being transferred), and data in use (being processed).
Traditionally, a variety of encryption methods have been used to protect data in storage or during transmission. However, data remained vulnerable during processing. The partnership will harness Super Protocol design to confidential computing resorts to hardware protection during processing to solve this problem.
Commenting on the partnership, Nukri Basharuli, founder and CEO of Super Protocol stated:
“With its Swiss background, CloudSigma has a perfect understanding of privacy, which is why they’re such a successful cloud service provider. Them working with us is another solid step towards creating a decentralized super cloud.”
Super Protocol combines the benefits of TEE technology and blockchain n to provide a universal, decentralized protocol for distributed confidential computing. Super Protocol also leverages the industry-leading security delivered by Intel® Software Guard Extensions (Intel® SGX). Notably, Intel SGX comprises a set of security capabilities built into 3rd generation Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors. Specifically, this design support trusted computation and is based on the principle of application and data isolation. As a result, Intel SGX enables developers to partition code into hardened enclaves making data processed inside an enclave invisible to the operating system or hypervisor, other applications, and even rogue employees with credential-protected access.
Robert Jenkin, CEO of CloudSigma added:
“We are excited to be supporting Super Protocol and their blockchain services. Our uncorrelated infrastructure network provides blockchain companies with resilient infrastructure differentiated from much of the blockchain backbone that is concentrated in the hyperscalers. Add Intel’s confidential computing and you have a highly secure platform for blockchain service delivery.”
The CloudSigma infrastructure will be available on the Super Protocol test nest in the coming days. The exact launch dates will be announced after this month.