CoinRadr AMA Recap

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BSCDaily hosts CoinRadr: #Gem #CoinRadr #BSCDaily #BSC

autoshark banner 26_11_2021

BSC_Daily Admin: Hello and welcome, how are you today?

CoinRadr Team: Hello. Thanks for having us here. We appreciate the opportunity.

BSC_Daily Admin: Happy to hear! Ready to start our AMA?

CoinRadr Team: Sure.

Q1: Now to start the AMA, please have a quick introduction to the community. What is CoinRadr all about? Where did the idea for this project come from?

CoinRadr Team: We are really glad to be present here today having this AMA in your community.

CoinRadr is an All-in-One DeFi solution.

The idea for CoinRadr came from experience where there was an information gap in the crypto space. By this I mean people who venture into the crypto space have little or clue what crypto entails besides just seeking out projects, invest and expect a return. There are various projects which could be of help to newbies, but they do not know they need these things because they do not know they exist in the first place. So CoinRadr seeks to bring everything a crypto user needs for a smooth experience; from educational, wallet, Portfolio and Asset management, to Dex to name a few. Hence, the idea of an All-in-One DeFi.

Q2: Can you tell us a bit about the team and their experience with crypto projects?

CoinRadr Team: I first ventured into the financial markets in 2006 as a Forex trader and my first use of crypto was in 2010 where I used bitcoin to purchase a product. Afterwards, my next encounter was in 2016 and this time I was beginning to trade the crypto markets as well as the forex markets. During this period, I met others with like minds and we began looking at various projects and the opportunities in the crypto space considering it is at its infant stage. We have worked with some other projects individually and at different times and have come together to fill this need CoinRadr offers for the crypto space.

Q3: Can you walk us through the uniqueness of CoinRadr?

CoinRadr Team: First, it is important to note that CoinRadr brings most tools needed to have a smooth crypto experience in one place. CoinRadr features a Portfolio and Asset manager/tracker, new listing alert, pump and dump alert, charting, swaps, trade signals, whale alerts and big movers to name a few. These tools are there to educate and inform the crypto user so they can be ahead in the crypto space.

Q4: How do you approach your marketing to increase CoinRadr users in the future? 

CoinRadr Team: ummm… Okay.

We understand the need for marketing in any project and know that no matter how good a project is, if no one is hearing about it or using it, the project is good as dead. So, we have in place a marketing team and are engaging marketing companies to ensure the spread of the information on CoinRadr so as to attract more users for years to come.

Q5: Let’s dive into your token. Tokenomics & use cases? Where and how can the community buy your token?

CoinRadr Team: The CoinRadr token will go by the ticker $RDR. It has a total supply of 100 million tokens and are distributed thus: 17% Project Development, 40% Liquidity, 8% team, 5% Airdrop, 11% Marketing, 8% Ecosystem Growth, 4% liquidity Incentive, 5% Presale, and 2% Private Sale. Holders will be rewarded in various ways from staking and yield farming to community giveaways at certain milestones.

We’re currently in preparations for our upcoming whitelisted presale which will be hosted on Pinksale Launchpad, those who wish to participate in our sales, should fill in our whitelist form, which will be posted here soon.

Q6: Let’s talk about marketing plan, partnerships & influencers that you are collaborating with.

CoinRadr Team: Okay, so We are big on marketing and take it very seriously which is why we are here in the first place and as you can see, we have allocated 11% of the total supply to marketing for now and the future of CoinRadr. No matter how popular a product may be, it needs marketing. Hence, we will continue to engage influencers as we expand our reach. We have a lot of partnership discussions currently ongoing and we have partnered with OIG Community on the grounds of marketing and seek to partner with other projects and good crypto space influencers which will bring our product to the spotlight and increase its user base.

Q7: What are the project goals? Can you share with us your roadmap in the next 6 months?

CoinRadr Team: Okay. On project goals… CoinRadr seeks to build a sophisticated yet easy to access and use tool which will educate and make any crypto user experience fluid.

As for the road map, our product will begin rolling out first as an app for both IOS and Android in Q1 of 2022 which will first feature the Portfolio tracker and asset manager while the rest of the features will roll out in the coming months through Q2 to Q4 of 2022.

Q8: Where can we find out more about CoinRadr on social media?

CoinRadr Team: Telegram








Website: Https://

BSC_Daily Admin: With this, we are now at the end of our AMA session with CoinRadr.

Time for wrapping up, any last words you would like to say to our community?

CoinRadr Team: We really appreciate the opportunity given here today.

What we are building is meant to educate all coming into the crypto space and point them in the right direction while giving them access to relevant tools all in one place. We will continue to work very hard and keep innovating even as the crypto space continues to evolve.

Thank you once again.

Peace and Love 😊

BSC_Daily Admin: Thank you so much for spending time with our community & all the very best for CoinRadr.

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