Considering Workcation? Kansas City It Is!

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Not New York, Not LA, but Kansas City, Missouri is considered one of the best cities for a workcation.

Yes, Kansas City has been positioned as the best place in the world for a working vacation, according to Icelandair research. Since American citizens do not need passports to enter the work-and-have-fun-city, it is a recommendable place to take a working vacation. People with a remote working schedule looking to travel can relax, have fun, and still go about their remote work duties and will definitely enjoy Kansas City.

What Is There to Enjoy on Your Workcation in Kansas City?

Starting with The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Arts, Worlds of Fun, and down to Kauffman Stadium, what else is to enjoy in Kansas City? Some visits to the numerous fountains across the City and jazz scenes are other attractions to while away some personal time. In its analysis, Icelandair rated the 115 global cities in the study based on certain factors. They are quality of life, internet speed, air pollution, climate index, cost of living, health care, and safety. With all considerations, people can live quality lives during their stay in Kansas City with the right tools for work. Top of these tools is the internet speed which enhances connectivity and contributes to a smooth working experience. The environmental factors such as noise, climate index, minimal air pollution, and air quality are some of the factors that make Kansas City the best place for a workcation.

Certainly, the coronavirus pandemic has generally altered how people work, travel, and live. The percentage of remote workers has surged since the global health crisis, which forced the world to stay indoors. Combining work, travel, and fun is one way to make the most of remote working. Also, a workcation in a relaxing place like Kansas City benefits both physical and mental health. Other locations on the top 10 list of cities to consider for a working vacation globally include Vienna (Austria), Wellington (New Zealand), and Copenhagen (Denmark). There are Edinburgh (UK), Victoria (Canada), Perth (Australia), Frankfurt (Germany), Brisbane (Australia), and Helsinki (Finland).

Why Not New York or LA? Why Kansas City?

Gisli S. Brynjolfsson of Icelandair mentioned mega cities like New York or Los Angelis are not topping the list. These locations are not suitable for escaping the usual hustle of a typical working day. He emphasized the growing adoption of “slow travel” by many. A slow travel trend is an approach to travel that focuses on connections to the local people, culture, businesses, etc.

Furthermore, the Icelandair research suggests that travelers consciously try to balance work and fun. To achieve this seamlessly. Kansas City is a place to highly consider.

Work It

Ibukun Ogundare

Ibukun is a crypto/finance writer interested in passing relevant information, using non-complex words to reach all kinds of audience.
Apart from writing, she likes to see movies, cook, and explore restaurants in the city of Lagos, where she resides.