Cross Chain Farming and DeFi 3.0

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DeFi 3.0

A new trend in cryptocurrency farming, known as DeFi 3.0 Farming-as-a-Service, has grabbed the crypto industry by storm. Thanks to this innovation, all of us now have access to the constantly growing, complex world of high-yield cross-chain farming and can manage it cost-effectively.

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However, with innovation comes a slew of difficulties. All of us are fully aware of the inflationary issue that was written into the original FaaS contract. Nevertheless, this has provided $CCF with an excellent opportunity to innovate and establish itself as a completely new FaaS token that will be well-positioned to lead the movement.

The Solution

Cross Chain Farming’s approach was to transition to a version 2 contract with cutting-edge tokenomics that will set the bar for DeFi 3.0 and make their token deflationary.

Cross Chain Farming has already halted trading on the v1 cryptocurrency and has taken a snapshot of all 3,671 holder addresses. Cross Chain Farming then converted all holders from version 1 to version 2 of the contract via a smooth airdrop, preserving all current reflections!

Cross Chain Farming upgraded from the v1 token due to an inflation problem – while the maximum supply was initially set to 1 trillion, inflation pushed it closer to 1.7 trillion at the time of the snapshot. As a result, Cross Chain Farming decided to suspend trading, rewrite the contract into v2 to make it deflationary, and then relaunch.

According to the snapshot, the v2 $CCF token was airdropped at a 1:1 ratio to your wallet. This new token must be added to your wallet.


Cross Chain Farming (CCF) is the Binance Smart Chain’s first fully certified cross-chain DeFi 3.0 Farming-as-a-Service (FaaS) DAO. Cross Chain Farming is a decentralized cryptocurrency hedge fund. The objective is to provide access to the world of cross-chain DeFi that is simple, economical, and transparent.

Cross Chain Farming farms for you while utilizing reflections and buy-backs to benefit holders, resulting in long-term, sustainable price movement.

Additionally, Cross Chain Farming is the first FaaS DAO to provide additional services such as decentralized token launches, listings, and on-and off-chain security audits. All of these funds will also be utilized to sustain the native $CCF token through buybacks, farming, and marketing.

[] Model

Cross Chain Farming seizing the opportunity to shape the future of the DeFi 3.0 movement by employing reinvented unique tokenomics that set them apart from the competition.

Cross Chain Farming is no longer a direct fork of the MCC contract, as the giga-brain developer, Rago, has added new interfaces and functions to the contract, in addition to making it deflationary.

Every buy-and-sell transaction will now be subject to a 12% tax: 2% will be burned, while 1% will be returned to liquidity; 3% will be reflected on holders; 3% will be allocated to farming (DAO), and 3% will be allocated to marketing.

This is replicated on both buys and sells, ensuring that you will always receive reflections.

The burn wallet will ensure that Cross Chain Farming remains deflationary at all times.

With each transaction, the DAO and marketing wallet will grow in size.

The [] model provides a strong foundation for DeFi 3.0, with each transaction supporting and growing a distinct component of the ecosystem.

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Ticker: $CCF 

Total Supply: 2,000,000,000,000 (two trillion). 

Circa 300,000,000,000 were immediately sent to a burning wallet. All remaining tokens are in circulation.

Use Cases:

  • Deflationary: burning keeps us deflationary in perpetuity;
  • Rewarding holders: holders receive reflections on buys and sell; 
  • Supports price and liquidity: farming profits are used for buybacks and added to the LP;
  • Promotes growth: by allocating a portion of all transactions to marketing.
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Q4 2021

  • Fair launch
  • Build team
  • Build community
  • CMC and CG listing
  • Roadmap 1.0
  • Litepaper 1.0
  • Farming and staking
  • Asset management
  • Dashboard launch
  • AMA and marketing
  • 5,000 holders

Q1 2022

  • Marketing 
  • 10,000 holders 
  • Dapp proposal 
  • Website rebrand 
  • Seed investing plans 
  • Partnerships 
  • Farming expansion 
  • CEX listing (community vote) 
  • Portfolio building strategy 
  • Whitepaper release 
  • Roadmap update 

Q2 2022 

  • Audit/tokenomics service 
  • Further team building 
  • More CEX listings 
  • Increased marketing 
  • Dapp development 
  • Safety mobile app proposal 
  • Community building 
  • 15,000 holders 

Final thoughts

Cross Chain Farming is indebted to MCC for pushing us to develop with DeFi 3.0 FaaS, and we are indebted to them for pushing us to develop. As you can see, Cross Chain Farming is already progressing beyond the basic concept and developing a new DeFi 3.0 blueprint.

Along with the foregoing, Cross Chain Farming is continuing to roll out the roadmap.

The farming infrastructure is now operational across Avax, Fantom, and Polygon, and is now generating revenue for buybacks.

Cross Chain Farming has already created the asset management spot portfolio; a portion of the DAO wallet is already allocated to it with the intention of reinvesting gains in the $CCF and core farming fund. This is a long-term plan. However, Cross Chain Farming was fortunate to place themselves in some fundamentally sound currencies yesterday during the downturn.

As you can see, even though Cross Chain Farming has only started on the DeFi 3.0 journey, Cross Chain Farming has achieved significant advances in terms of innovation and differentiation.

Cross Chain Farming feels this is only the beginning and is excited to continue growing both this market-leading initiative and the incredible community!

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