CryptoSandwiches Set To Launch A Pandemic Fight in A Food Metaverse

CryptoSandwiches Set To Launch A Pandemic Fight in A Food Metaverse 1




CryptoSandwiches, a Binance-backed wargame powered by the CSW token, is set to revolutionize the gaming industry through blockchain technology. Aside from CSW tokenomics, the CryptoSandwiches has brought together the NFT market. Indeed, the game is destined for more players.

Notably, the game has incorporated decentralized gaming finance that is powered by smart contracts. Thereby making its play-to-earn concept tamper-proof from exploiters. Moreover, it is built on one of the leading blockchains, backed by the largest crypto exchange by daily traded volume.

“The gameplay is a strategy-based game with multiple players who will compete against each other in food fights across the different realms available within the game. The first war in the game is between the sandwich realm and the invaders and is expected to be followed by a series of other wars in the universe against the deadly forces,” CryptoSandwiches noted in a press release.

To ensure large-scale inclusivity, CryptoSandwiches has made use of different token services. Reportedly, the game architecture allows and adapts to BEP20, BEP1155, and BEP908 token standards as in-game equity.

For the gamers, the CryptoSandwiches is meant to drive a new sense of experience through creative NFTs. Note, that the game is dubbed as an infectious pandemic that is plotted to be spread on tasty planets. Moreover, it comes from the tasty Galaxy instigated by deadly forces from the waste station located at the pitch dark corners of the galaxy.




“The storyline of the game is war-based where an infectious pandemic is plotted to be spread on tasty planets in the Tasty Galaxy by deadly forces from the waste station located at the pitch dark corners of the galaxy. The initial stages of the war are between the Sandwich Planet and the dangerous creatures down the waste station. Players start their quest in the game by competing for the invaders as protectors of the sandwich realm.”