DigiNation Metaverse Set for Alpha Test Following Public Mint

DigiNation Metaverse Set for Alpha Test Following Public Mint 1

DigiNation, the Web3 metaverse platform that turns popular NFTs into playable characters, has confirmed the date for its Alpha Test. On December 22, users who hold DigiAvatars, CryptoPunks and Pudgy Penguins NFTs will get the chance to explore the game’s burgeoning virtual world which features islands, jungles and snowscapes.

Rewarding Early Supporters

The highly-anticipated Alpha launch follows the recent sale of 1,024 genesis Identity DigiAvatars, the platform’s native NFT that allows users to earn rewards and evolve based on their activities in the metaverse’s creator economy. The public mint of the tokens, which represent the game’s indigenous citizens, sold out in just eight minutes on November 19.

As well as the aforementioned participants, DigiNation’s Alpha Test will be open to media members and influencers after a special Media Pass NFT was minted for this purpose. The Alpha Test will last for around 20 days.

Although the platform has not yet distributed its governance token, ERC-20 test tokens will feature in the Alpha phase to reward early supporters. Some 512,000 $ALPHA tokens will be airdropped to DigiAvatar owners based on a wallet address snapshot at 4am (UTC) on December 10, with a further 4.6 million disbursed based on in-game activity. Following the generation of DigiNation’s governance token, there will be no more $ALPHA released.

Players putting the new metaverse through its paces in the test environment will have the opportunity to enjoy several gameplay modes and genres (adventure, hobby, etc) while earning rewards and minting rare NFTs such as costumes and furniture. However, the project’s much-touted DigiMaker developer toolbox will not be available during the Alpha phase. A simplified SPACE DIY suite will, however, be featured in some of the mini-games to give a flavour of the creative possibilities unlocked by DigiNation.

The first platform to transform non-fungible tokens into playable 3D characters, DigiNation’s mission is to extend the utility of valuable assets that otherwise might remain idle in wallets or galleries. Thus, holders of CryptoPunks and Pudgy Penguins can import their characters via the platform’s NFT Live program, then pilot their digital identities in the metaverse where they can socialise, create and trade NFTs, and participate in mini-games.

A Multi-chain Strategy

Although eligible NFTs for the forthcoming Alpha launch will be limited to DigiAvatars, CryptoPunks, and Pudgy Penguins, next year’s full launch is expected to include all of the platform’s partners. Interoperability being a STATED goal of the project’s team, it is also hoped that assets acquired in the game – as well as NFT characters themselves – can be used in other metaverses on disparate blockchain networks.

The success of metaverse projects saw NFT-linked cryptocurrencies make major gains last month, with the top-12 basket’s value rising by 42% over the course of November. Almost half of active crypto wallets connected to dApps in November did so for the purpose of playing blockchain-based play-to-earn (P2E) games.

A recent report compiled by blockchain investment firm Grayscale estimates revenue from virtual gaming worlds could soar to $400 billion by 2025.