Disney Hints at Crypto and NFT Adoption with Its Latest Job Posting

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The job description includes examining NFT projects, blockchain networks, third-party marketplaces, and cloud providers.

On September 23rd, the Walt Disney Company broadcasted a job listing for a principal counsel with expertise in Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT) and Decentralized Finance (DeFi), implying a more comprehensive Web3 development across the entire Disney ecosystem.

The full-time job listing operates under the legal department of the Walt Disney Association and reaches out to all professional company lawyers to perform transactions comprising newer technologies like Non-Fungible Tokens, Blockchain, Metaverse, and Decentralized Finance. The opportunity would offer direction on international NFT creations in the organization’s business offshoots, like Disney Media and Disney Parks, Experiences, and Products, which guarantee subordination with the United States International Laws and regulations. Particularly, the appointment would assess securities’ legal concerns in association with the advertisement and sale of NFTs.

The job description also includes examining NFT projects, blockchain networks, third-party marketplaces, and cloud providers, while assisting in legal issues on virtual tokens and blockchain technology. The employee will cooperate with other teams in the organization like the product, engineering, tech, and IP to launch novel international technology projects, with a relatively strict timeline to follow.

Disney, in the recent few months, has revved up its hiring process in the Web3 regime to incorporate crypto components into its several business departments. In February, the company selected media and technical strategist Mike White as the Senior Vice President to spearhead its metaverse team with utmost planning and procedure. In a note to its employees, Disney Chief Executive Officer Bob Chapek noted that White would be in charge of merging ventures in the virtual and the physical world while calling the metaverse the newest storytelling frontier.

Chapek also drafted the upcoming years for the organization, claiming that Disney believed its Web3 pursuits to be more of an engaging, and active experience than a sedentary, laidback affair. The firm also hired former Apple gaming executive Mark Bozon as its Vice President of next-generation storytelling, announcing that he would be accountable for implementing the strategies in business regions like gaming, film, TV, toys, etc in the future.

A couple of months ago, Disney revealed its Accelerator Program that would be targeted to develop the future of ‘immersive experience’ that comprises digital memorabilia, AI personalities, and augmented reality. Corporations included in the Accelerator program this year have layer two blockchain Network Polygon, Web3 Social App FlickPlay, and storytelling medium Lockerverse.

The description, in its entirety, is emphasizing a blend of in-person and virtual experiences, with blockchain at its center.

Blockchain News, Business News, Cryptocurrency news, News, Technology News

Sanaa Sharma

Sanaa is a chemistry major and a Blockchain enthusiast. As a science student, her research skills enable her to understand the intricacies of Financial Markets. She believes that Blockchain technology has the potential to revolutionize every industry in the world.