ElementX AMA Recap

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Cryptodaily.io hosts AMA with ElementX. #ElementX #BSC #BSCDaily #AMA

Cryptodaily Admin: Hello everyone👋 I hope you’re all having a productive day! I have here with me Mr.Alex from the ElementX project.

Welcome Alex. How are you today?

Alex V: Hello! I’m having a great day and really happy to join the BSC Daily community!

Cryptodaily Admin: Great to hear! Hope you stay safe in these times Alex!

Right, no further delay, do you want to start the AMA immediately?

Alex V: Sure! Let’s get rolling!

Q1. To start things off, please introduce yourself and your game ElementX to the Community.

Alex V: My name is Alex, and I am the co-founder and operation director of ElementX. Let me introduce our game – ElementX. ElementX is a blockchain game world that combines NFT, DeFi and Gaming. The Game includes multiplayer online battles and real-time strategy PvE combats, creating a truly amazing gameplay experience for users. Over 100 ElementX Hero NFTs are waiting for recruitment and joining your epic journey.

Q2. Do you have any preview pictures or videos showing how the game works?

Alex V: I’m more than happy to share with you the design and gameplay of ElementX. Lemme send some pics and video here:

Also, we plan to launch an internal beta test campaign before the game officially launches. Stay tuned to our social channels for the beta whitelist. Users can look forward to a special prize for joining the beta test.

Cryptodaily Admin: Just checked out the game and the game design looks amazing, it’s a turn-based game right?

Alex V: Yes! And it contains real-time strategy combat and players need set up their team of heros wisely

Cryptodaily Admin: Yeah, anything strategy-related, I’m in!

Q3. Could you tell us about the background and experience of your Core Team & Advisors?

Alex V: The developing team of ElementX is from the top Korean gaming company – Netmarble, which has eight years of experience in game development and has developed a number of popular game apps on both PC and mobile. In case you are not familiar with Netmarble, it has produced District 187: Sin Streets, Lineage 2 Revolution, and BTS WORLD. Our team also operated one of the largest gamer communities and has great experience and specialists on this.

Q4. Wow, that really makes a strong team! You know we are all very curious about the storyline of ElementX and what the gameplay looks like. Could you give some more detailed information?

Alex V: ElementX is an RPG and players take the role of the youngest child of the Frost Kingdom. The royal family of Frost Kingdom has taken a crushing blow in the war between the Phantoms, and the player is the only royal blood left. This is where the story begins.

So you need to hold on to the weapon, summon the champions, and fight for the rise of the kingdom in the Sacred War. Here the player will need to buy some of the governance token FIRE to mint Heroes and start the journey in ElementX.

Q5. I learned about some ElementX heroes from your Twitter. How is the heroes list designed? How many heroes do we need to play in the game? Please share more about it.

Alex V: We created a splendid virtual world in ElementX containing over one hundred heroes. All heroes are divided into different races, professions, and rarities.

The players need to hold at least one hero to play the game. The Race / Profession / Power / Rarity of the hero recruited is randomized.

Every Hero is a piece of NFT. Players may transfer or sell them at their own disposal. Also, we will offer a Hero Lending market later so that everyone has the chance to join or test out different heroes and equipment.

There’s the potential to rent to others too. This creates an opportunity for the millions of gamers out there to get paid for their time as they collect provably scarce in-game assets.

Q6. Why did ElementX choose to launch its Initial NFT Offering on BabySwap? How did the two teams reach this cooperation?

Alex V: Yes! The INO of ElementX is less than 5 hours from now

Here’s the link for INO in case you wanna check on it: https://home.babyswap.io/gamepaddetail/elementx

BabySwap is the top AMM and NFT decentralized exchange on Binance Smart Chain. It brings a fun and friendly trading experience with great project support. We are honored to be BabySwap’s partner and build together. We believe that BabySwap will help ELementX grow to the next level.

Cryptodaily Admin: And I do hope ElementX is going to flourish in the future also!

Q7. In the BSC ecosystem that has so many established gamefi projects, how do you feel as though these features make your project unique? What makes this game special in the metaverse than other blockchain games?

Alex V: ElementX team believes that the core of a game is play, entertainment, and fun. However, for most of the P2E 1.0 games, the Earning part weighed much more than the Gaming part. ElementX is constructed with the concept of P2E 2.0, which emphasizes more on gameplay, providing a high-standard gaming experience.

Our team has rich experience in the traditional gaming industry, including game development, operation, and publication. They are proficient in both gaming and blockchain, introducing the leading gameplay content to the most leading crypto technology, making the Earning part more sustainable. We expect a good game attracts true players, new capitals, and new hypes to the crypto industry.

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Cryptodaily Admin: Right, because at the end of the day, it’s still a game and people find games to enjoy. If Blockchain Game focuses heavily on earning and not experience, the game will be outdated quickly

Q8. Why should people expect this game? What are your features and advantages?

Alex V: People are setting great expectations on the ElementX INO on Baby GamePad for several reasons. ElementX is based on the Binance Smart Chain, which applies low transaction fees, fast speed, and various forms of project support.

ElementX is available on both mobile applications and websites. It keeps the main gameplay off-chain while implementing the on-chain assets interactions delicately but concisely. This makes it possible to bring a perfect gaming experience.

The game contains fast-paced PvE & PvP combat, immersive stories, stunning landscapes, and a long-proven game economy. Players will get addicted!

Cryptodaily Admin: Excellent! So the mobile version is coming.. I guess at the end of the year?

Alex V: Na! mobile will be live at the same time with the website, which is in one month!

The game has been prepared for a long time and it’s just got on-chain recently. Actually we expect it to be launched in two weeks, but the time is not settled yet

Q9. Could you please elaborate more about your tokenomics? What’s the total supply and what kind of plans do you have regarding the token unlocks in the future?

Alex V: ElementX implements the dual-token model, which offers two different tokens – $FIRE & $ICE. Both token will have a fair launch

FIRE is the governance token for the #ElementX universe with a maximum supply of 1 billion.

ICE is a utility token for the ElementX gameplay.

We will launch an Initial Airdrop Offering on the governance token FIRE. Users will have the chance to complete some social tasks and get whitelisted with a part of the IAO, which is 500,000 $FIRE, equals $10,000!

So follow our social media so you don’t miss that 😉

Q10. Last question! Let’s talk about your INO because it’s only 5 hours from now! Tell us more about it!

Alex V: We are really excited about the INO event. In this INO people can mint a limited 5,000 ElementX Hero Blind Boxes.

Starting Time: 1 PM UTC, Jan 20th, 2022

Ending Time: 1 PM UTC, Jan 21st, 2022

Total Amount: 5,000

Price: 0.1 BNB

Each Hero Box can be redeemed to one hero in the ElementX game. With your team of heroes, you can start to explore the ElementX world, fight against the enemy and earn your fortune.

The INO Hero Boxes are divided into five different Rarities:

SS(2.25%) | S(6.00%) | A(17.00%) | B(25.00%) | C(49.75%)

Normally players will need to pay a certain amount of governance token to mint heroes in the game, and each hero will have a certain ratio:

SS(1.50%) | S(6.00%) | A(17.50%) | B(25.00%) | C(50.00%)

In this INO, the ratio for SS heroes is boosted from 1.5% to 2.25%, because the ratio of three amazing SS heroes is boosted 100%!

So it is a great chance to get a high-quality hero rather than wait for the normal hero minting. Don’t miss it!

Cryptodaily Admin: With this we are now at the end of our AMA session with ElementX 🔥🔥🔥

Time for wrapping up, any last words you would like to say to our community?

Alex V: Thanks for all your passion and questions! Thank you for having me! It’s been a great time and don’t forget to check on the INO of ElementX 🎉

Only four hours to go:


Cryptodaily Admin: It was a pleasure having you here Alex

Thank you so much for spending time with our community & all the very best for ElementX🚀

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