Elo Inu AMA Recap

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BSCDaily hosts Elo Inu: #EloInu #BSCDaily #BSC

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BSC_Daily Admin: Hello and welcome, how are you today?

Kevin: Hey everyone, I am doing well and hope you are all good 🙂

BSC_Daily Admin: Happy to hear! Ready to start our AMA?

Kevin: Absolutely.

Q1: Now to start the AMA, please have a quick introduction to the community. What is Elo Inu all about?  

Kevin: Of course, Elo Inu is a DeFi project with focus on utility, even though we represent the doge/meme community, we do have several uses cases coming up such as our Elo Inu Swap, NFT Marketplace, ETH Bridge & more 🙂

Q2: Can you tell us a bit about the team and their experience with crypto projects?

Kevin: The team consists of 6 people all over the world, the team also has rich experience in blockchain development.

Two of our devs are senior developers in the game industry and have participated in many game developments.

Our marketing department has been working with different well-known names in the industry.

Q3. Can you walk us through the uniqueness of Elo Inu ?

Kevin: Despite being a meme coint to some extent, we identify ourselves as utility-focused project.

With many unique products coming up which will make the Binance Smart Chain a better place.

Q4: How do you approach your marketing to increase Elo Inu users in the future?

Kevin: Given the it is a “Inu” token, it is very remarkable and marketing should be fairly easy.

We plan on getting a bunch of Youtube videos, teaming up with Twitter crypto influencers and do more media buying on websites such as Poocoin, Bscscan, etc.

Q5: Let’s dive into your token. Tokenomics & use cases? Where and how can the community buy your token?

Kevin: Elo Inu’s projected net supply currently stands at 1 Quintillion, being prioritized as a decentralized usage rewards mechanism. The more $ELOINU is actively in use, the more rewards are generated.


The Elo Inu Presale is going live on December 9th at 14:00 UTC! You’ll be able to take part here:  https://www.pinksale.finance/#/launchpad/0x7b44c43e9B4cE7FC7446aB741F25695513929B1f?chain=BSC

Q6: Let’s talk about marketing plan, partnerships & influencers that you are collaborating with.

Kevin: We do understand that marketing along with utility are some of the most important factors in this industry, therefore we will and have already started working with some influencers, you can find these on our Twitter: https://twitter.com/eloinutoken

Q7: What are the project goals? Can you share with us your roadmap in the next 6 months?

Kevin: Our goal at the end of the day is to make the Binance Smart Chain a better place, we will by then have different products up and expect the community to be much bigger, you can feel free to check out the full roadmap at: https://elotoken.io/

Q8: Where can we find out more about Elo Inu on social media?

Kevin: Sure,

Learn more:






Presale: https://www.pinksale.finance/#/launchpad/0x7b44c43e9B4cE7FC7446aB741F25695513929B1f?chain=BSC

BSC_Daily Admin: With this, we are now at the end of our AMA session with Elo Inu.

Time for wrapping up, any last words you would like to say to our community?

Kevin:  Thanks for all the questions, definitely make sure to join our Telegram @Elo_Inu as we will host similar events on there these comings days 🙌

BSC_Daily Admin: Thank you so much for spending time with our community & all the very best for Elo Inu.

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