EmiSwap AMM DEX is live on Polygon to offer LPs 365% APR

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EmiSwap AMM DEX Integrates Polygon Commitchain to Launch High APR Liquidity and Farming Pools

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We are delighted to announce that EmiSwap is live on Polygon, the leading platform for Ethereum scaling and infrastructure development, where the EmiSwap AMM DEX will utilize the speed and security of the powerful Polygon to provide users and LPs with the opportunity to maximize their returns and make their experience smoother.

Why Integrate Polygon?

By launching on Polygon, EmiSwap aims to reduce the transaction costs for its users without compromising the output. The launch of EmiSwap AMM DEX on Polygon will enable users to execute the trades instantly, using the EmiSwap interface and pooled liquidity. Using Polygon’s full-stack Ethereum scaling solutions, EmiSwap can provide a superior user experience for all its users. 

We are excited to see EmiSwap and Polygon flourish to foster mainstream acceptance among crypto and non-crypto communities.

Benefits for Liquidity Providers

1 – The 365% APR airdrop: Users can provide liquidity for any pair and receive LP tokens, stake LP tokens and ESW pair into the farming pools and win a 365% APR airdrop (per liquidity) + Additional % APR for farming + 0.25% of the platform fees paid by swappers. 

2 – The 180% APR airdrop: Users can provide liquidity in any pool with ESW token and get 180% APR (per liquidity) + 0.25% of the platform’s fees paid by token swappers. 

3 – XXX% APR Farming pools: Users can provide liquidity, stake LP tokens in farming pools, and receive high XXX% APR rewards + 0.25% of the platform’s fees paid for by token swappers. The XXX% APR farming pool will be launched on November 24th.

Referral Program

The Referral Program works for the 365% and 180% Airdrops. There are three referral program levels where participants receive a percentage from the rewards of users they invited to the EmiSwap platform. 

Level 1 – 3%: If you invite USER1 by your referral link, you get 3% of their rewards.

Level 2 – 5%: If USER1 invites USER2, you receive 5% of USER2 rewards.

Level 3 – 7%: If USER2 invites USER3, you receive 7% of USER3 rewards.

About EmiSwap

EmiSwap is a cross-chain decentralized AMM exchange, whose users can earn for providing liquidity, swap cryptocurrencies and receive a high % APR from Farming and the referral program.

EmiSwap is the first project in the EmiDAO ecosystem, the world’s first truly decentralized autonomous organization that gives ESW token holders the right to receive a share of the exchange fees and make decisions about its future development. EmiDAO consists of well-known projects and funds such as Digifinex, Bitmart, Alpha Sigma Capital, Emirex, Everest, MahaDAO, IDC and HolaEx. The project won several grants for ecosystem development and integration from NEAR Protocol and ASTAR Network. 

Learn more about the EmiSwap AMM DEX and join our decentralized family:

Website: https://emiswap.com

Twitter: https://twitter.com/EmiSwap

Medium: https://medium.com/emiswap 

Telegram: https://t.me/emiswap_official

GitHub: https://github.com/EMISWAP-COM/

About Polygon

Polygon is the leading platform for Ethereum scaling and infrastructure development. Its growing suite of products offers developers easy access to all major scaling and infrastructure solutions: L2 solutions (ZK Rollups and Optimistic Rollups), sidechains, hybrid solutions, stand-alone and enterprise chains, data availability solutions, and more. Polygon’s scaling solutions have seen widespread adoption with 3000+ applications hosted, ~600M total transactions processed, ~60M unique user addresses, and $5B+ in assets secured.

If you’re an Ethereum Developer, you’re already a Polygon developer! Leverage Polygon’s fast and secure txns for your Dapp, get started here.

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