European Digital Mindset Awards 2022 call now open

European Digital Mindset

The awards recognize the most innovative initiatives and solutions around digitalization and sustainability Inscriptions will be open until April 26th and the awards will be handled in Malaga as part of DES – Digital Enterprise Show program.

2022, January 26th – DES2022 opens the call for the European Digital Mindset Awards 2022, a recognition to the digitalization of business projects that accelerate the industry digital revolution. DES – Digital Enterprise Show 2022, the leading event on digital transformation, will celebrate its sixth edition in Malaga (Spain) from June 14 to 16, 2022.

In this edition, under the claim “Reimagine Business”, DES – Digital Enterprise Show will highlight not only the importance of digitalization as a lever to accelerate business, both for SMEs and large corporations, but also those companies that have already rethought their business by integrating digitalization into their DNA to be more competitive and efficient. These awards, internationally recognized by the technology sector, seek to reward the most innovative projects in digitalization and sustainability, as well as success stories or solutions that, due to their disruptive approach, represent a breakthrough in customer or employee experience, present new business models or bring a new approach to management and technological integration.

The 7 existing categories, open for inscription until April 26th through the application form on the official website, are aimed at companies, experts, projects, initiatives, universities, business schools, academics, researchers, analysts, start-ups, accelerators, science and technology parks, innovation centres, etc., from all over the world, whose objective is to present an innovation in matters of digitalization or sustainability.

European Digital Mindset Awards 2022 categories are:

  • Best digital transformation enterprise Award given to the best company that has successfully accelerated the process of digital transformation of its business model.
  • Best journalistic work on digital business transformation Award for the best journalistic publication stating the extraordinary impact on the digital transformation in the society, an industry or a company.
  • Best marketing campaign Award that showcases the best marketing campaign based on the optimal mix of digital channels to maximize impact and results.
  • Best digital start-up / scale-up Award for new business models in any sector that have significantly created an impact in the economy, society or the environment.
  • Best digital accelerator in public sector Award recognizing the efforts of the public administration to respond to challenges with digital transformation execution.
  • Best digital project oriented towards sustainability Award for the best Digital Project -corporate or entrepreneurial- that has transformed or reimagined its business model to achieve the SDG´s of the 2030 Agenda.
  • Best digital leader executive Award recognizing the best president, CEO or C-level executive who excels results based upon a well-executed digital business transformation.

All proposals and applications received until the indicated deadline will be evaluated by a jury of experts and leaders in digitization and digital transformation, whose decision will take place on June 15th during the celebration of DES – Digital Enterprise Show in Malaga.

“These awards have become the benchmark in the sector from an international perspective thanks to the quality of the projects presented by the leading companies in the market”, states Sandra Infante, director of DES2022. In this sense, she adds that “they highlight the importance of the digital transformation of the business ecosystem through real examples that set the trend and the future to be followed by companies”.

In past editions, the European Digital Mindset Awards recognized the good practices on digitization and innovation of companies and institutions such as McCann, Amadeus, eCooltra, Lime, Cyberpoints, Spotcap, NH Hotels, BlaBlaCar, Forbes Tech, Iberia, Meliá Hotels or UNHCR, among others.

About DES

DES-Digital Enterprise Show is an event of Nebext – Next Business Exhibitions in collaboration with Málaga City Council and the Junta de Andalucía. In five editions, it has become the largest European professional event on digital business transformation and one of the global benchmarks that offers senior management the latest technological solutions and products to help large corporations, SMEs and European Public Administrations towards digital transformation. Over 3 days, we combine technology and innovation with digital leadership, technology solutions to improve customer and employee experience, optimisation of operational processes and the identification of new business models, services and products across all industries.

More information
Juliana Lorenzo, Virginia Manrique, Arantxa Reyes
E-Mail: [email protected]
Phone: (00 34) 919 551 551

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