Exploring NFTs with Web3 Opportunities: A Deep Dive into BIB Meta 

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Place/Date: – September 9th, 2022 at 1:57 pm UTC · 6 min read
Source: BIB Meta

Photo: BIB Meta

The ones who are full of woe are not only the Wednesday’s children but also the contemporary idealists whose dreams have been shattered due to the sanctions of Tornado Cash. This seems to further prove the fact that decentralization can only be truly realized under a democratic culture which reinforces the notion of decentralization concerning power and rights since it provides an avenue for a forceful community consensus to be developed towards the crypto world.

As a consequence of the mutual consonance, here comes the rapid outgrowth of Web3, metaverse and so on owing to concerns in respect of personal information that are no longer satisfied in this society with sophisticated technology. The frequent incidents related to information leakage under the conventional centralized control has led to the loss of confidence especially in the aspects of privacy, safety, transparency and openness.

On the ground of this, BIB Meta brings a brand new Web3 ecosystem into being which it empowers mutually with BIB Exchange, representing diversified Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) community nodes that put humanity a stone’s throw away to Web3.

Go Even Stronger with DAO

BIB Meta is renowned by the public predominantly for its innovation. Still, the implementation of the DAO mechanism is in sooth a comparatively notable element.

DAO comprises smart contracts that execute decisions agreed by the majority based on the foundational rules in a particular community. It can definitely be considered a huge step-forward in terms of autonomy and transparency as voting and even the code itself can be publicly audited by all and sundry. By incorporating DAO, BIB Meta is able to attain further achievements in decentralization for a greater good of the global financial environment.

The World’s First Web3 Ecosystem Derived from Token of a Centralized Platform

BIB Meta aspires and always works on becoming the terminus a quo for users to set on their journey of Web3. The mutual empowerment between BIB Exchange and BIB Meta acts as the competitive advantage in this cut-throat environment. Among which, BIB Exchange endows value to its native token $BIB through various functions such as discounts in regards to trading fee, IEO whitelist and token dividends to empower BIB Meta. On the other hand, BIB Meta supports BIB Exchange through a diversity of projects such as community nodes, NFT, GameFi, etc. to ensure a win-win situation.


The BIB Meta NFTs are finely crafted trading cards featuring 160 exclusively picked football stars from Qatar World Cup 2022. In which, the 160 football players are graded in accordance with tiers of S/A/B/C based on their ratings and the numbers of trading cards available for each of the tiers are 10/30/50/70 respectively. Each football star has 150 pieces of 1-star trading cards made available for sale, and there are additional 10 pieces of S-tier 3-star cards available for auction. Endlessly fascinating, every 5 trading cards can be upgraded to form one with higher star through fusion and all trading cards can also be traded freely in the marketplace.

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Being distinctive from the other NFT projects, BIB Meta NFT is the world’s first NFT which its value is profoundly correlated with platform token. Concurrently, BIB Meta NFT is not limited to be used only in staking for BIB tokens but also creating community nodes.

BIB Meta Community Nodes

The BIB Meta team believes that the core essence of the human economy is fundamentally based on finance. With continuous exploration of blockchain technology, the trust mechanism can now be completely established on the basis of mathematical logic. Attributable to DAO, decentralization is further realized through blockchain protocol and point-to-point value connection to achieve free and efficient value flow.

Although there is still a long way to the implementation of the real DAO, BIB Meta is willing to break the ground by working on community nodes. The community nodes of BIB Meta are the early prototype of the BIB Meta DAO system, which will pave the way for the growth of DAO from the early stage by fully taking in global users and introducing concepts of DAO and decentralization to the public.

How to become a community node operator of BIB Meta?

A glad tidings is everyone gets to be a part of the community node operators through staking NFT. Nonetheless, the community nodes are categorized into ordinary and super nodes for accomplishing the full-fledged applications in order to cater the demands of thousands and millions of users.

Ordinary Community Node

The creation of an ordinary node can be done through staking a 3- or 4-star trading card and delegate a certain amount of BIB tokens as initial capital of the node. In which, successful creation of an ordinary node grants the owner an NFT credential that allows adjustments to the initial capital amount. Not to mention, an ordinary node can be delegated to a super node as a whole to receive BIB Meta profit dividends.

Super Community Node

With Top 30 of total delegation from users and other community nodes, a node will be automatically upgraded to become a super node which each of the super nodes enjoys the privilege of receiving delegations from 10 ordinary nodes at most.

In BIB Meta community node, super node is indeed the grand slam of the whole ecosystem with reference to the overall benefits that mainly cover the four following aspects:

  1. BIB token profits from NFT staking
  2. Profits from delegations of initial capital
  3. Profit dividends for node owners
  4. Dividends from node credential

Not to mention, early birds that own super nodes are also entitled for early adopter profits.

How to become an early bird of community node operator?

On account of the difficulty with regards to fusions of 3- and 4-star NFTs, community nodes can be created in advance through obtaining a S-tier 3-star NFT from auction. By becoming a node owner prior to others, the golden opportunity of receiving more delegations can be seized for the higher possibility of becoming a super node. At the same time, users may also take note regarding the presale of whitelist and obtain BIB Meta NFTs at half price to kick off the journey with ultimate advantages.

Embarking with DAO, BIB Meta community nodes will dedicatedly contribute to the coin voting, construction of ecosystem, and step-by-step build of MetaFi into a wholesome ecosystem through various dimensions such as DeFi, GameFi, etc. in the near future.

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