FesBNB AMA Recap

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BSCDaily hosts FesBNB: #NFT #FesBNB #BSCDaily #BSC

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BSC_Daily Admin: Hello and welcome, how are you today?

Justin Y: I’m fantastic super excited to share with your community today about FesBNB.


BSC_Daily Admin: Happy to hear! Ready to start our AMA?

Justin Y: Yes I’m ready.

Q1: Please tell us briefly about yourself and the FesBNB project.

Justin Y: I’m Justin I live in the USA and have been in crypto for a couple years now. I got off centralized Exchanges around the beginning of 2021 and on my way into the BSC space once there I had so much to learn (And still do) But I did find there was a lot of scams and honey pots and people just like me that didn’t know what to do or how to do it so I began working with a community that was against Rog pulls That is where professor and I first met and we have stayed in contact over several months so he knew how I was with being involved in the community and wanting the Defi space to be a safer place he approached me about his project…

He was telling me how he wanted to have an entire ecosystem built around fair and safe place for everyone to be able to make money profit and not have to worry about scams FesBNB is the first part of this ecosystem which will be a Multichain Platform. He made sure we had a revolutionary staking dApp And laid out the beginning of the plan with a P2e NFTs as well as a marketplace to be the next utilities and steps.

I was very excited by the idea of this project and once he said there would be KYC I was in.

Q2: Can you tell us a bit about the team and their experience with crypto projects?

Justin Y: Myself I first Learned about being a part of a community as well as a lead admin with BabyXRP I also help those devs with Pawnmynft.

Sir Tris has written contracts for over 70 projects and did all the coding of our dApp.

And @OxCryptoProfessorREAL has worked in marketing and with multiple projects prior to Fes.

Q3: Can you walk us through the uniqueness of FesBNB?

Justin Y: Well right out the gate we have an extremely unique rewards system As we intend to be fair to all investors we give an option we allow you to simply hold FesBNB in your wallet and you will get BNB reflections But our dApp is truly Unique you can stake in a single pool and Receive five blue chips from that single Staking pool which are XRP ADA ETH DOT AND CAKE.

Between those two accounts for 60% of the entire token tax that is going back to the investors that is not including the portion that goes to liquidity.

I host a voice chat twice daily to answer questions and get feedback and ideas from the community as we all know without a good community and communication project rarely go anywhere.

We are also highly focused on growing utilities and use cases that are beneficial for all users in the DeFi space.

@OxCryptoProfessorREAL ensured when we started That there was enough funds regardless of volume or other things along the way between launch and the development of the 3D NFTs and our marketplace so we would be able to follow thru with the promises to the community and the bigger vision.

This project is also a unique opportunity for people to get in on the ground floor of an entire Ecosystem that is geared to benefit the holders.

Not to mention we have already had 3 audits done trynos solidity. Finance & most recently by bitrise.

Q4: Let’s share with us more about staking platform & NFT marketplace.

Justin Y: Sure so the staking platform was launched for the users prior to launch so that that Utility and the benefits of staking we’re not missed for investors even from the first transaction.

Staking Dapp is very special for a couple reasons.

The interface on it is beautiful and runs very smooth it allows you to see not only pending rewards but also a lifetime payout of rewards.

You are only charged a gas fee to stake, claim or unstake.

So one fee to claim 5 tokens.

Also Keeping investors in mind and knowing it is their money being staked not ours there is no time Minimum for Staking or percentage fee that is taken to stake or unstake.

The dApp also shows recent tweets done by FesBNBs Twitter.

You can also see how much or supply is in circulation what’s been burned and the price.

It really is a load of information packed into the staking dApp….

Our NFTs are going to be 3D here is a sketch of the unique characters

– Our NFT marketplace place will be launch on EOY, we’re trying so hard to make it just before Christmas.

– Our NFT will 3D design with good animation like Mobile Legend. We will have 10 Characters, 7 Rarities, and 5 Job.

• NFT System:

– Our NFT will have reflection, whoever hold the NFT will get BNB and FesBNB as a reward from every transaction on Marketplace and from FesBNB volume.

– Our marketplace allows everyone who have our NFT to Hold, Sell, Trade with another holder, Leveling their NFT, and Battle with Com or another Holders to get more experience and then leveled up.

– We’re still considering to put the NFT Stake function to our marketplace.

– Shares percentage from every transactions must be depends on What rarities and level of the NFT they hold and How much FesBNB they hold.

Q5: Please tell us about the $FES token! What are the token use cases, distribution, and how to buy/get it?  

Justin Y: To start here is the contract address


$FES is a utility token and the first part of our FesEcosystem Currently the use case is the Staking or holding of FesBNB to earn passive income. The next use cases are the P2E and the NFT marketplace. These utilities are just where we are starting. We have a Multichain launchpad as well as FesETH and many other Fes tokens to support this ecosystem across multiple chains. There are no team tokens. And the tokenomics are as follows


Buy Tax: 10%

Sell Tax: 15%

Buy 10%/Sell 15%:

   – Staking Pools: 3.5%/5.25%

   – BNB Reflections: 2.5%/3.75%

   – BuyBack: 1%/1.5%

   – Liquidity: 1%/1.5%

   – Marketing Wallet: 1%/1.5%

   – Development Wallet: 1%/1.5%


Recommended Slippage: (Buy/Sell)  12%/17%

FesBNB is on the BSC network and can be purchased on PancakeSwap.Finance

Or on poocoin

Here is the poocoin link.


Also if you visit FesBNB.io and click on start investing it will take you to poocoin directly.

Again we have only one contract it’s in BSC and the CA is


Q6: Let’s talk about partnerships & influencers that you are collaborating with.

Justin Y: We have established several partnerships thus far. We have a lifetime partnership with Gemstone Gate and MadJoe’s madlab.

We also have a YouTube video coming out very soon with VoskCoin who is a more serious influencer that does real overviews and very solid quality reviews of projects. We choose VoskCoin to do a video because just like us quality is important and we are not just trying to get hype pump and dump types in but real investors who want real utilities and use case not just a quick pump.

We have also partnered with Travladd and he has done a tweet and post in his Tg about us this past week.

Q7: What is the vision for FesBNB & future plan?

Justin Y: The vision and future plans of FesBNB goes far beyond just FesBNB as I said it is the first arm of an entire Multichain FesEcosystem….

We plan after the marketplace to begin Working on the Multichain launchpad as well as FesETH and other Fes( Matic, Ada, ETC). The Multichain launchpad will tie them together into the FesEcosystem…

Further on this vision and our Fes Journey we will develop and launch a whole bunch of Fes Tools some examples of them are FesDex, FesPad, FesStake, FesMix, and FesFound

Tho some of the names may give you an indication of there particular use case I know some don’t and that part will have to remain a Mystery for the time being as those revolutionary ideas like FesMix and FesFound are going to be game-changers and until the coding on them is further along and no one could take the idea and run to market before us, but I can say these products will be part of the FesEcosystem and help ensure people’s confidence and safety, as well as help, prevent rug pulls and scams

Q8: Where can we find out more about FesBNB on social media?

Justin Y: $FesBNB Links









BSC_Daily Admin: With this, we are now at the end of our AMA session with FesBNB.

Time for wrapping up, any last words you would like to say to our community?

Justin Y: Thank you all for joining today.

I hope this information was useful and that most of your questions were answered.

Remember you invest not only in an idea and vision but also the team behind it and we are KYCed and consistent holding VC twice daily to always be connected with the community and our investors!

Look forward to speaking with you all in the future.

BSC_Daily Admin: Thank you so much for spending time with our community & all the very best for FesBNB.