Flasko (FLSK) launches first-ever alternative investment platform in rare wines and spirits industry

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The alternative investments industry is growing at a $13.4 trillion pace. One of the key drivers of the latter is investments into rare high-end whiskeys, wines, and spirits – an industry set to grow to $1.4 trillion by 2027.

The Knight Frank Luxury Investment Index – the index of rare whiskey prices – has indicated an exceptional 565% growth in the field in the last decade. This shows yearly returns of up to 20% over the last ten years. Some sub-indexes in the rare spirits industry increased by an even larger margin.

It’s easy to see why the segment is constantly growing with investors gaining interest in the lucrative sector – and guess what -– the opportunity to buy into the trillion-dollar market is finally here.

Flasko (FLSK) builds on the first-mover advantage in rare wines. Flasko will develop the first investment platform to allow its members to invest in the high-end and rare spirit market. Investors can gain stable, constantly appreciating returns on Flasko’s expansive selection of the most valuable whiskeys, rare champagnes, and fine wines. 

If you’ve thought of minting fractional or whole NFTs representing real bottles of the finest rare whiskeys or wines and have it sent anywhere in the world, Flasko is the investment you’ve been waiting for.

Presale offers the chance to diversify in alternative investments

Alternative investments are optimal for diversifying user’s portfolio in a novel, exciting market. In the case of rare wines and spirits, which Flasko enables, it will give users the exposure to an industry whose prices are constantly increasing in value and scarcity.

Flasko (FLSK) is set to rise in value exponentially in 2023. s a novel investment platform in a profitable niche, not to mention its utility and real-world asset backing, Flasko may outperform its current price predictions.

Flasko is currently trading at $0.05, but expert crypto analysts predict big things for the platform. With 33 years in locked platform liquidity and a fully audited smart contract by Solid Proof, Flasko is well-positioned to become a successful project

If you’ve always wanted to buy into the earliest phases of a project, Flasko might be what your portfolio needs to rebound and rise in 2023.

Website: https://flasko.io

Presale: https://presale.flasko.io

Telegram: https://t.me/flaskoio

Twitter: https://twitter.com/flasko_io

Disclaimer: This is a paid post and should not be treated as news/advice.