Flickto – Cardano-Based Project That Will Bring New Approach for Media Project Financing

Flickto Cardano Based Project That Will Bring New Approach for Media Project Financing

Today, the media industry has seen significant growth especially because of the pandemic. The pandemic gave way for the media industry to come up with new solutions to bring people together and stay connected.

With that said, artists and content creators have also taken advantage of this sudden high demand. However, there is one problem that is commonly faced by these creators — budget or financing.

This is where Flickto comes in.

In detail, it is a project that has been launched on Cardano. It aims to change how the media industry is financed. In other words, Flickto uses a distinct solution of tokenization with the FLICK token (its Cardano native token of Flickto) and Cardano staking, wherein Flickto can empower creators from all over the world when it comes to financing their projects. These projects, moreover, are chosen and voted for by the Flickto community themselves.

Through this, Flickto will enable content creators to make their content producible, as well as financially benefit from their projects’ accomplishments through earning royalties from the successfully funded projects. Similarly, the Flickto community will also be able to stake FLICK tokens to earn additional rewards.

Furthermore, Flickto uses ISPO. According to Flickto team, conducting ISPO is advantageous because:

  1. ISPO model is a sustainable way to finance blockchain projects, and users can get involved by delegating today.
  2. Users earn rewards for just participating in project voting.
  3. Users who vote for successfully funded projects will be entitled to a share of the distribution royalties.
  4. There is nothing like this in the Cardano ecosystem today. There are a few different launchpads for crypto projects, but nothing that is launching projects into the real world that people will one day be able to view at the movie theatre or on their TV screens.

Despite being an entirely new project, Flickto has already amassed over 600,000 ADA staked into its ISPO since its launch. In fact, in December 2021, Flickto will announce its main partnerships and collaborations. However, the team mentioned that at the moment, they are already partnered with big names in the industry like Ben Morris and Geraint Harvard Jones.

Likewise, the team notes their aggressive and ambitious plans for Flickto in which they are striving hard to achieve. As shown in Flickto’s Roadmap, there are still a lot of things that Flickto aims to do and the public can anticipate.

Indeed, Flickto is already gearing up for its transformational methodologies in media project financing. Content creators are surely keen on what more can Flickto offer.