Flickto harnesses the power of Web 3.0 to return ownership to its community


1983 saw the introduction of the first version of the internet. Many were skeptical of this innovative technology and its ability to seamlessly connect its users no matter where they were. The introduction of Web 1.0 provided us with glimpses of a worldwide network of communication. Twenty one years later we were introduced to a world of user-generated content, dynamic content and the participative social web we know today. 

However as time has gone on issues surrounding web2, those in charge of important digital data have been exposed to questioning surrounding the usage and security of consumer data. The introduction of blockchain and cryptocurrencies has amplified the need for digital ownership and identity. Enter Web3. 

Web3 will allow users to reclaim their digital identities. Flickto has realized the urgency of those from the creator culture to regain a sense of ownership around their creative expressions. Whether it be film, short film, art or writing, Flickto has spearheaded their attempt to return control to the creators. 

It’s been well known that centralized social media platforms are in control of significantly important data, whilst being in control of the dissemination of content over their platforms. Creators are unfortunately exposed to the control that these authorities have in cancelling or eradicating the creator’s ability to create and publish content. 

March 31st saw the introduction of the Flickto voting platform, which marks the first step in returning creative expression and identity to the ones who value it the most. Unlike the model of Web2, where platform providers are able to pull your information without consent. The Flickto platform will reverse engineer these issues by providing a network where content and information are disseminated to trusted sources, ultimately promoting authentic interactions between participants. 

The realization by Flickto to pursue the disruption of an industry that generates over two trillion dollars per annum, in the quest to provide its creators and users with a way of escaping centralized powers, is by far an admirable venture. A platform that provides ownership, trust, and ultimately decentralization could potentially alter the entire industry.

The project that is based on the Cardano network has garnered massive interest thus far, especially in its short term of existence. Their concept of  decentralized media is one that they feel will make a substantial impact on today’s society. A network that provides its end users with diverse human storytelling, whilst also including its community to a share of voting power and distribution royalties. 

The Flickto team seem to be pioneering a new wave of entertainment, the source that captivates and brings us closer together. Thus far they’ve been exceedingly successful in their efforts, and with interest surrounding them compounding day over day, imagine where they’ll be in a year’s time. 

For the latest news and information about Flickto, follow their Twitter handle.

Disclaimer: This is a paid post and should not be treated as news/advice.