Flickto partners with Clear Contracts to further the Cardano objective

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Decentralization has never been more of a familiar term, and with Cardano leading the way to a more autonomous, transparent and inclusive world, it follows that great events are unfolding within this ecosystem. 

Flickto has emerged to truly highlight the importance of this concept, particularly in light of most models of the media industry. As we transition into a more digital world, smart contracts and web 3.0 have emerged as key tools to enable the democratization of processes that were previously time-consuming and costly. 

With an underlying common objective of removing barriers to entering and interacting with the Cardano ecosystem, a partnership between the two revolutionary teams of Clear Contracts and Flickto is only natural. DAO management is a further tool that can be used for multiple protocols such as executing transactions, facilitating voting and managing proposals. 

Flickto will finance Cardano’s ecosystem to facilitate community storytelling. More films and various media projects will be revealed in collaboration with Flickto’s partners. The team will begin offering tech and blockchain-related consultation services to charities, NGOs, and numerous other mission-driven organizations in order to expand the influence of Cardano’s burgeoning technology. 

In addition, with the expansion around the NFT community, they provide exclusive access to special content, voting, and more to NFT holders. Flickto’s NFT projects aim to lower the barriers to entry through having production utility NFTs, for example, a discount on hiring camera equipment or using the production facilities we have to offer. In time, this is a vital component that Flickto will be sure to compound on for the mutual benefits of increasing awareness for both parties. 

The third area of collaboration can be in the Escrow services, which are utilized to easily enter into secure agreements by filling out a simple online form. The funding model for Hollywood has proved to be inefficient due to the large number of fees that hack away the profits made, especially for smaller creatives. 

As aforementioned, smart contracts are the pillars of web 3.0, for its unique capability of providing the backbone needed to create decentralized applications and communities on the Cardano Blockchain. Community is a vital aspect that is at the forefront of Cardano, as they propel the creation of a DAO. Not only this, but the vibrant and diverse projects that are built foster this ability to procreate their own communities. Flickto’s inception into this space has capitalized on the importance of this facet, both for the project and the stakeholders, but more so to further their reach to the many who want to see positive change in the world we live in. 

The successful partnership between Flickto x Clear Contracts will transgress into a wider community that is better informed on how smart contracts can be leveraged, whilst directly seeing the vast greatness that can come from it through Flickto’s diversification of the media industry. The future is bright, and it only can get brighter when partnerships such as this are formed! 

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