Flickto: Providing an alternative to traditional financing models

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Flickto provides an alternative to traditional financing models and business models within the traditional media industry. Their model places unique human experience and diversity at the forefront while aiming to generate sustainable profits from the projects we develop, produce and distribute. 

Within 10 years, Flickto aims to create specialist divisions for films, animation, series, streaming content, digital art, written content, audio content and innovative media techniques. Each division intends to provide the community with projects selected by the people for the people. 

Their capacity in 10 years will rise to 100 different media projects a year in a variety of genres, mediums and sectors to provide the media that the masses want to see without concepts becoming repetitive and mundane. 

The distribution and sale of a project will become an internal arm of Flickto- through the development of these resources within the organisation; they’ll be able to improve returns for our community while ensuring traditional biases and barriers to distribution and project success can be overcome through the use innovative and decentralized modes of generating hype. 

They will utilize our network of sustainable and ethical production houses, distributors and industry professionals alongside internal resources to disseminate content while nurturing it from idea to commercial product. 

While focusing on successful commercial projects; The School of Flick will start to provide media education, resources and social capital to under-represented communities. Leveraging the rise of ed-tech to create free videos, written content, and courses to provide to any individual with an internet connection to learn about how to thrive within the media space anywhere in the World. 

The study of Flickonomics as a branch of knowledge concerned with the creation, production, and transfer of wealth in media- will develop into a field of research to help society understand the immense impact of media on human society, culture, and economics. The field will enable humanity to understand the importance of positive media that represents and supports humans to thrive. 

Within 10 years, Flickto will become a decentralized autonomous organization- the community will determine the direction of the organization by providing an ecosystem for community members with the talent to submit projects, participate in each of the Flickto divisions while giving them an opportunity to invest in their own success. 

Decentralized Finance initiatives will enable community members to vote on projects while utilizing their NFTs for exclusive access to projects and creating a revenue model that enables the community to have a constant source of finance for media projects and the further development of the Flickto mission. They believe their community is the secret to their success- therefore enabling them to have the power and autonomy to decide the future direction of the project will yield positive results for humanity.

 Disclaimer: This is a paid post and should not be treated as news/advice.