Fortis‌ ‌Set‌ ‌to‌ ‌Make‌ ‌‌Mark‌ ‌in‌ ‌‌DeFi‌ ‌Space‌

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fortis‌ ‌mark‌ ‌‌defi‌ ‌space‌

The team backing Fortis is pleased to invite the public to experience its novel ecosystem that sets out to drive crypto adoption farther than it has ever gone.

Despite the impressive three-digit crypto adoption rate this past year, the industry is still limited by a complex framework that goes over the head of many. The limitation has painted the picture of a nearly impregnable fortress. This perception has become a reality for certain DeFi projects, which defeats the goal of decentralization, where everyone’s participation is vital.

This is why Fortis has created an ecosystem that simplifies and makes more accessible the use of cryptocurrencies just as one would with a debit card. Fortis achieves this feat by building a special kind of architecture that secures users’ identities and money. A solution this extensive can change the DeFi (decentralized finance) space for good. If the team solves the issues as conveyed in their whitepaper, Fortis may go on to make an indelible mark in DeFi.

Fortis Ecosystem

Three dominant elements make up the Fortis ecosystem: Fortis App, Fortis Gateway, and Fortis Labs.

Fortis App

Fortis takes the traditional banking system and integrates it with the near-limitless and ultra-scalable blockchain technology. The app empowers users to interact with the services of centralized and decentralized systems. Fortis On-Ramp, Fortis Card, and Fortis Lend are the three services obtainable.

Fortis On-Ramp enables users to buy crypto using either a debit/credit card or bank transfer and receive the coins in the wallet of their choosing. Users can choose to pay for services in crypto using Fortis Card, while Fortis Lend makes loans more accessible to everyone that deposits the stipulated crypto as collateral.

Fortis Gateway

Fortis Gateway gives retailers the opportunity to accept virtual currencies as a credible payment method for services rendered and goods sold. For every sale made, the seller can exchange the crypto the customer paid to either a stable coin or any other currently supported coin. Retailers can choose from any three gateway services available according to their business needs. They can also choose to opt out and migrate to another if their needs have changed.

Fortis Labs

Fortis Labs is an ambitious idea that seeks to unite disruptive and innovative products that will further simplify the complexities of the DeFi space. This third element is governed by three words: Reshape, Research, and Revolutionize. It aims to act as an incubator for innovative projects and applications that will become a part of the Fortis ecosystem. The Fortis team recognizes Fortis Labs as their most prized project. Considering the strong use case and utility the team has put together thus far, this proclamation makes Fortis Lab an imaginative space within the DeFi ecosystem.

Fortis Coin ($FORT)

Fortis coin is the fourth element of the ecosystem. It is a vital ingredient, as it validates the transactions carried out throughout Fortis’ ecosystem. FORT makes the relationship between Fortis and the public much more straightforward. With FORT, users can access bids and stakes, farming, social media games, NFT rewards, droplets, P2P payments, and projects within Fortis Labs. Details on how to acquire FORT token can be found here.

About Fortis

Fortis is a DeFi platform that seeks to eliminate the limitations of cryptocurrency usage among underdeveloped and non-crypto users. The platform is powered by an ecosystem and three main pillars: Fortis On-Ramp, Fortis Card, and Fortis Labs. The unification of all three features, coupled with FORT’s utilitarian model, is Fortis’ core team’s attempt to create a never-seen-before phenomenon in DeFi.