Froyo Games AMA Recap

cropped Favicon CD 01 01 32x32 1 hosts AMA with Froyo Games: A multi-chain GameFi infrastructure that gives a rise to the transformation of gaming and esports ecosystem into the Metaverse on Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain. #FroyoGames #BSCDaily #BSC #AMA

BSCDaily Admin: Good day everyone! Hope you’re having a fantastic time. Today I have Pochi from the Froyo Games project. We will talk about this wonderful project!

Hello Pochi, how are you?

Pochi: Hello hello! Glad to be here. I’m doing great!

BSCDaily Admin: Great man, are you ready to start the AMA?

Pochi: yes ser!

Q1. What is Froyo Games supposed to be?

Pochi: Froyo Games is a game publisher and decentralized gameFi platform for blockchain games on mobile and PC that will be launching in 2022. Think of it like Steam or Epic Games – a home for your blockchain games (and NFTs!) with a lot more features under the hood to make it easy to use and friendly to onboard game developers, gamers and even traders of all skill levels.

BSCDaily Admin: Oh interesting, so only for blockchain games?

Pochi: Not quite! We will have only blockchain games on the platform, but we will also welcome games that want to add blockchain dynamics as well through or SDK that we will release soon

Game developers are already really good at making games – so we want to let them focus on that, making great games! If they want to add blockchain mechanics to their games, whether it’s a game they are working on, a game they are just starting or an old game they want to revive, we give them the tools to do it easily so that they can focus on the game making

Q2. FOYO is backed by many big VCs but the team are all anonymous. What’s the reason behind and do you guys plan to go public in the future?

Pochi: Yes. Maybe one day in the future. We are anons like how you see with Pancakeswap and Mobox on BSC. Except that we’re not all chefs and bunnies like Pancakeswap, haha

We have the support of some great capital funds on this endeavour. We had secured a $1.6M strategic funding from Animoca Brands who is our lead investors along with other industry leaders which include Spartan Group, GBV Capital, BTC12 Capital, Mirana Ventures, Avocado Guild, Hooga Gaming, Genblock Capital, Icetea Labs, Gamefi, Bigcoin Capital, Gate Labs, Newman Capital and KOI Capital. Our strategic investors bring in a wide array of values from game economics design, community building, marketing and various advisory works among many others.

Q3. What important milestones does Froyo aim to achieve by the end of this year 2022? What’s the plan to make Froyo a successful project in 2022 and beyond?

Pochi: Froyo Games may be new but at heart, we are passionate gamers. iCandy Interactive Limited (The largest gaming studio in South East Asia and Australia with more than 500 employees and launched more than 300+ games) is one of our most important strategic developers in our early stages. We will announce more strategic developers in the future.

We are even game builders who aspire to build the next AAA title. As a game publisher and GameFi platform, we are a family and we want to help those who are new to the scene get their foothold with the tools that will make blockchain integration simple yet secure so that even the little developers and studios out there, from indie developers up to AAA studios can join this revolution.

Like we mentioned earlier with our SDK and other tools.

BSCDaily Admin: yeah absolutely! SDK sounds great for developers to start implementing blockchain

Q4. Do you plan to add more chains besides BSC and Ethereum on Froyo NFT Marketplace? What are the benefits or features Froyo offers exclusively on its platform over other NFT marketplaces?

Pochi: Ah yes, the interesting question from BSCDaily. Did your friends at PolygonDaily want you to ask us this? 😛

Well, Polygon might be in luck because yes. We are looking to expand to more EVM compatible chains after ETH and BSC, but not anytime soon.

Froyo Games is a platform. However, we work with a fantastic network of game designers, regional studios and award-winning developers who are interconnected through Froyo Games.

Please stay tuned for the announcement on our upcoming games. We will be announcing multiple games to be launched on the platform soon, you can see the ones we have planned on our website at

(come to BSC, the gas is more stable!)

Q5. Why do we need another game platform? We already have too many and Epic//EA/Ubisoft already said they wanna implement NFTs into their games

Pochi: We are not just an app to download games. We are a full platform. We have it all. IGO Launchpad, NFT Marketplace, SDK, GameFi social marketing platform and of course, high-quality games! We even have an NFT launchpad for the most promising projects. We are going to be rooted in the blockchain, making it a fundamental part of our platform instead of trying to add it later and having a lot of trouble

We are game builders ourselves, we’re going to give gamers the things we wish we had!

Q6. you were talking about the tool SDK that Froyo provides for the developers, what are other tools that you also provide?

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Pochi: As mentioned earlier we have the Froyo NFT launchpad. This is where we help signal boost promising projects to get them more noticed.

But in terms of tools, we will also have the Froyo NFT Dashboard, which makes it easy for game developers to mint NFTS of their in-game items easily

And lastly, we have the Froyo NFT Marketplace, a trading platform for digital assets and NFTs on the Froyo platform. Game developers don’t need to waste precious time coding and building their own exchange or marketplace. Froyo’s platform marketplace will take care of that for the whole platform

Q7. I’m in! Where can I get a head start? Will there be a whitelist? What about airdrops? A discount sale? A stealth mint?

Pochi: Ooh we had a whitelist that we just announced as part of our giveaway. We’re really close to our public sale on 18 January!

We want to make sure we do this right. We want a community that’s here to stay, not to pump-and-dump. That’s why we’re not having any fancy discounts. There will be no stealth mint and there will be no airdrop. Anyone who’s offering this may be trying to scam you. Make sure you only get your information from our website and from our Twitter @realfroyogams.

Next chance on 18 January! We are having our IFO on Pancakeswap!

Q8. Why would a silly in-game item be worth anything on the NFT market? I’d rather flip jpegs on Opensea

Pochi: Utility is the way forward!

Plus we’re not talking about just any item, we’re talking about in-game items. Take a look around – many exchanges and online stores are already in the business of trading in-game items. From CS: GO to Rocket League, from Fortnite to GTAV. Items from weapon skins to victory dance moves all fetch a price. As long as someone’s willing to pay for them, there will be a market for it.

The difference is that in most games today, you don’t truly own your in-game items. They are merely a database entry on a centralized server. With in-game items implemented as NFTs with minimal friction on the Froyo platform, players can now truly own their in-game assets where if they keep their keys to themselves, no one can ever take them away.

Not even us here at Froyo Games.

Q9. I think people would love to know more about Froyo Games, where can we find out more about you?

Pochi: Ah, we have our links over here

This is Froyo Games – Metaverse Gaming by True Game Makers (🍦,👾)

Website –

Twitter –

Medium –

Discord –

Telegram Announcements –

Telegram Channel –

BSCDaily Admin: With this, we are now at the end of our AMA session with Froyo Games 🔥🔥🔥

Time for wrapping up, any last words you would like to say to our community?

Pochi: We’re so lucky to be here. 2022 has given us a lot of hard work but we will continue to work on making Froyo Games a wonderful platform and also a community. We can’t wait to see you having fun in our games. Let’s make the blockchain FUN again!

Thank you BSCDaily!

BSCDaily Admin: Thank you for being here with the bscdaily community. We wish you and Froyo Games the best!

Pochi: And we wish you a wonderful 2022 full of amazing surprises!

BSCDaily Admin: I hope Froyo Games will be one of them!

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