Fundamentals of Finhaven Token

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Finhaven is a Vancouver-based financial services and technology company with a capital markets technology platform built on distributed ledger technology (DLT) and digital securities.

Many people are preparing for the future of Decentralized Finance (DeFi) with all hopes that when it has attained a full bloom, they will be able to stand among the platforms that are left standing at the time. Finhaven™, a startup that hopes to improve the capital markets and the global financial ecosystem is among the pioneers in this industry that through its embrace of regulations hope to be among the goto platforms to explore blockchain capabilities, now and in the future.

Finhaven is designed as a multifaceted platform that has been and has worked cooperatively with regulators since 2017 in creating a legal framework for its operations. Its goal is to bring blockchain technology to capital markets. Finhaven started as a protocol dedicated to helping to build the Ethereum protocol. The startup was among the first to submit contributions to the Ethereum Improvement Proposal (EIP) for security tokens back in 2018.

Since that time, Finhaven has built its protocol to expand beyond an Ethereum builder to a capital markets infrastructure builder. The penetration into the capital markets was necessary as traditional finance players need a holistic and comprehensive infrastructure to meet up with the various complexities the industry presents.

Customers will be able to buy FINToken™ (FIN) with USDC or fiat (CAD) at Finhaven Gateway.FINToken will be listed on crypto exchanges for other pairs as well. Finhaven issued the FINToken (FIN) on Ethereum (ERC-20), and on Binance Smart Chain (BEP-20).

Key Solutions on Offer by Finhaven

In achieving its aim, Finhaven developed Finhaven Private Markets, and is designing a number of unique solutions including but not limited to crypto payments for private securities transactions, FDN as middleware, and MetaismX™.

Finhaven Private Markets is a hub for issuers and investors and while it can generally benefit global issuers, its access only covers Canadian investors for now. The private markets connect securities investments with blockchain-enabled tokens. This expands the overall use and reach of investors as it merges two growing worlds of Security Token Offerings and cryptocurrencies.

The deployment of crypto payments in the private markets led to the development of crypto payments for private securities transactions. To properly serve this offshoot, the FINToken and Finhaven Gateway come in to help service all stakeholders taking advantage of the private markets respectively.

The Finhaven Distributed Network (FDN) will serve as a middleware targeted for launch during the second half of this year. On queue as the very first use case for this technology is its deployment on decentralized IDs and Non-Fungible Token (NFT) respectively. The Finhaven’s NFT minting protocol aims to address some of the legal concerns of the NFTs. MetaismX is designed as an NFT marketplace curated for the film and music industries and their artists. MetaismX NFTs will be available for purchase with FINToken.

Finhaven Private Markets recently announced the Stardust Music Video, Canada’s first securitized F-NFT with royalty streams providing investors with:

  • a unique opportunity to invest in the entertainment world to support a rising creative artist’s new film and tv series
  • providing investors exclusive access to non-dilutive equity ownership in Black Rose, a Sci-Fi Action film and TV series currently in pre-production

To invest in ‘Black Rose’ through the securitized F-NFT, Accredited Investors can open an account with Finhaven Private Markets, and purchase any number of fractions of the F-NFT (to a maximum of 2,000 tokens).

Finhaven is making its debut as a full suite and regulated platform with plans to work with regulators across a wide range of jurisdictions. Finhaven recently joined the VerifyVASP Alliance. Finhaven will now be able to leverage VerifyVASP’s scalable protocols to connect with their steadily growing Alliance of established and renowned VASPs such as Upbit, Binance and others.

In addition to its broad solutions, the startup plans to float a White-Label Finhaven Investment Platform, a platform that will be a combination of angel networks – PitchBook, Crunchbase, Carta – plus an exciting capital raise marketplace for the global venture world. FINToken will be an important tool for capital raising activities in that universe.

Investor Base and Associated Risks

Finhaven is a full-fledged investment and crypto-focused product innovator. Engaging as an investor on Finhaven Private Markets has a different risk profile than engaging with Finhaven Gateway as a customer for FINTokens. The former is built on private, permissioned blockchain – a necessity given the investor protection concerns of securities regulators. The latter provides customers with digital wallets on the Ethereum mainnet and, as such, presents the same risks as most crypto-exposed platforms face. While FINToken customers may experience volatilities associated with the crypto ecosystem, Finhaven is fully regulated and is committed to fulfilling specific obligations to help combat money laundering and terrorist activity financing. This includes putting in place robust policies and procedures to detect, deter, and prevent financial crime. Amid these uncertainties, Finhaven has the backing of top investors, all of which keep it accountable to achieve its promises and goals across the board. These investors include Dunamu & Partners, Medici Investment, and Lanebury Growth Capital amongst others.


Benjamin Godfrey

Benjamin Godfrey is a blockchain enthusiast and journalists who relish writing about the real life applications of blockchain technology and innovations to drive general acceptance and worldwide integration of the emerging technology. His desires to educate people about cryptocurrencies inspires his contributions to renowned blockchain based media and sites. Benjamin Godfrey is a lover of sports and agriculture.