Get Paid by Second – Payroll with Streamflow Finance

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Streamflow also takes away the hassles associated with token vesting by protocols in the blockchain ecosystem.

The major advance in the blockchain ecosystem is the ability of next-generation innovative developers to introduce revolutionary solutions to today’s existing challenges. One of the blockchain startups trailing this line is Streamflow Finance, a payment streaming, and token vesting automation platform with the aim of powering functional organizations.

The protocol has a number of unique solutions to characterize a functioning ecosystem, however, its real-time payroll streaming system for payrolls stands out. While it may be a relatively new player in the blockchain ecosystem in general, Streamflow has been utilized in the clearing of as many as 2,000 different contracts with USD Coin (USDC) representing about half of the total assets.

Streamflow is resident on the Solana blockchain network and while its solutions are currently concentrated on this protocol, for now, it aims to expand its permissions to other notable Layer-1 and 2 protocols in the near future.

Benefits of Using Streamflow for Streaming Payments

There are many benefits attached to using the Streamflow platform for payments, and this extends to both organizations and users as a whole. Besides taking away undue time wastage that manual salary payments always present, Streamflow is also designed to save cost in a dramatic way.

The application helps users get paid by the second, as the payment streaming interface can be customized to soothe the exact demands of the organization and the employee respectively. There are no limitations to the functionalities that are accessible on the Streamflow Finance platform for the employee as funds earned can be withdrawn at any time. Should the user not make any withdrawal prior to the date the salary is expected, the funds drop automatically inside the recipient’s wallet address.

Streamflow is designed to be compatible with a number of wallets linked to the Solana blockchain including Phantom, Solflare, and Sollet, amongst others. In all, the basic push of blockchain is to make payments and financial transactions flow more efficiently across the board, and the offerings from Streamflow ensure this in more ways than one.

Streamflow Token Vesting and Other Features

Streamflow also takes away the hassles associated with token vesting by protocols in the blockchain ecosystem. The process of vesting a token for team members, investors, and community members can become very messy, such that it can impact the overall performance of a token in the long run. Streamflow brings a customizable way to handle this token vesting procedure in a relatively automated manner.

Through the Vesting Protocol on Streamflow, the vesting duration, release frequency, cliffs, and automatic withdrawals can be defined, and by so doing, placing the handling of the protocol to deliver on the result as instructed.

Streamflow also allows Multi-Sig permissions that can bring an added level of security into the operations of the application as a whole. The protocol’s roadmap will be unveiled in the near future, however, access to the Streaming payroll App is already open to all users.

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Benjamin Godfrey

Benjamin Godfrey is a blockchain enthusiast and journalists who relish writing about the real life applications of blockchain technology and innovations to drive general acceptance and worldwide integration of the emerging technology. His desires to educate people about cryptocurrencies inspires his contributions to renowned blockchain based media and sites. Benjamin Godfrey is a lover of sports and agriculture.