GHA Foundation

GHA Foundation

Place/Date: – December 15th, 2021 at 7:51 pm UTC · 3 min read
Source: GHA Foundation

The industry biotechnology is now exploring new grounds and GHA Foundation is in the forefront of the transformation.

The Foundation

Hemp-based products such as clothes, oils, health products and many more are increasing in popularity every day, with an industry worth 2.8 Billion USD in 2020. GHA Foundation, also referred to as GHAF, is a new NFT project that integrates hemp farming and blockchain by using a variety of Internet of things systems and sensors leading to a phenomenon called precision farming, which can be monitored through various applications. They will also have their own marketplace that has unique GHAF NFT collectables that can be acquired.

Transforming the Market

The innovation leading GHAF also uses location intelligence, crop management software, vertical farming systems and other new agricultural technologies. This is done with distributed ledger technology, DLT in short, or alterly in some cases known as Replicated Journal Technology, RJT, and blockchain farming in agriculture. DLT uses a unity of shared and synchronized data across multiple sites where there is no centralized authority of the institution.

They are expanding the DeFi environment while also integrating it with gaming through the use of novel NFTs. GHAF RPG games will, in the future, provide vast worlds for people to explore, play and profit all at once. Players will be able to acquire various tokens and systems will be in place providing the option to combine two of the same level tokens together on the marketplace to further progress the NFT.

Players will be able to experiment with in-game controls and get a sense of the vast world that GHA RPG Games has created for them to explore. Players will be able to level-up their individual NFTs by using the $GHA token as a reward. In addition, the marketplace will provide the option of combining two NFTs of the same level with $GHA in order to get a higher level of NFT.

GHAF are selling blindboxes, which launched early December, and when opened you will receive one of the unique NFTs that are in rotation. It can later be traded in for currency. On the foundations website there is a list that shows the different rarities that are obtainable within the boxes and the amount they can be traded in for. One blindbox will be on offer for 20 USD.


By integrating these new technologies and combining them with blockchain applications it has never been easier monitoring farms and investing in NFTs at the same time. Creating state of the art leaps in the global industrial hemp market with the power of blockchain-based solutions, such as NFTs, digital assets, smart contracts, cryptocurrency-focused games and many more to come.