Glass Frog: New Species Named After DAO That Funds Conservation


Glass frog DAO: A decentralized autonomous organization that protects the rainforest has a newly discovered frog named after it.

Several thousand acres of pristine cloud forest in the Choco bioregion of northwestern Ecuador have been preserved. This is thanks to the Rainforest Trust, alongside Ecuadorian partner Fundacion Ecominga.

The cloud forest is a hotspot for its diversity of orchids and amphibians. Expeditions have found and described several new species. The most interesting is a new glass frog.

Even better, the new frog species was named after the blockchain-based organization. Called Nouns DAO, the organization helped to fund the conservation work.

Juan Manuel Guayasamin first spotted the glass frog Hyalinobatrachium nouns in 2012. It was sitting on a leaf over a stream. Froggie was singing in frog language. Guayasamin thought the frog might be the Hyalinobatrachium valerioi. But after a DNA check, he found genetic differences, and froggie was declared a separate species. 

Glass frogs are known for their see-through skin. Anyone can view into the animal’s inner workings. This is thought to be a type of camouflage, and it works well when froggie is on leaves. Predators see straight through the frog, like it is invisible.  

Credit: James Culebras.

Glass frog and Nouns DAO

Nouns DAO (a Decentralized Autonomous Organization) is an NFT project on the Ethereum blockchain. A Noun artwork is auctioned every day. DAOs are a place where blockchain natives to come together to pool funds. With these shared funds, they can achieve a mission. But this isn’t done using a traditional hierarchy. DAOs vote on decisions in a democratic process. This is all aided by blockchain technology.

glass frog named after conservation DAO

Members use their Ethereum addresses as personal identifiers. They can submit and vote on ideas they have to fund projects. Some Nouns members choose to remain anonymous. Some are vocal.  

Says Noun 53, “The Nouns DAO members recognize the importance of biodiversity and protecting it. Naming this frog is just one of the many ways we have demonstrated our collective commitment and passion for nature and its conservation.”

glass frog named after conservation DAO
Credit: James Culebras.

Rainforest Trust CEO James Deutsch, said, “Frogs are particularly vulnerable to habitat loss and degradation from development and climate change. The support of Nouns DAO for our work to protect habitat in Ecuador with Fundacion Ecominga will protect this new species and numerous other threatened species found here.”

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Nicole Buckler has been working as an editor and journalist for over 25 years, writing from Sydney, Melbourne, Taipei, London, and Dublin. She now writes from the crazy-amazing Gold Coast in Australia. Nicole first bought Bitcoin in 2013 not really understanding what she was doing. She is an accidental HoDLer.

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