Goerli to Sepolia: Key Dates and Essential Information


Migration from Goerli to Sepolia: Important Dates and Information

In October, Base announced the transition of our test network from Goerli to Sepolia. As we approach the end of Goerli support by Ethereum client and EF testing teams, here are the key dates and details you need to know:

Important Dates

  • 1/19/2024 – Deposit functionality on the Base Goerli bridge will be paused
  • 1/31/2024 – Base documentation will no longer reference Goerli
  • 2/9/2024 – Base Goerli infrastructure, including the Base Goerli bridge UI, will be spun down

As you migrate from Base Goerli to Base Sepolia, please note that Sepolia operates as a distinct network and requires specific network configuration changes. For detailed instructions on getting started with Base Sepolia, visit our documentation site for network and contract details.

While Goerli bridging does not have the same 7-day challenge period as the mainnet, we strongly advise users to bridge their testnet funds from Base Goerli to Ethereum Goerli well ahead of the infrastructure shutdown on 2/9/2024. You can initiate this process using the Base Goerli Bridge.

If you require assistance or have questions during your migration process, feel free to contact us and open a ticket in the Base Discord.
